One of my favorite things to teach are different “style hacks” that will allow you to ensure you’re going to look good. Probably my favorite of these “hacks” is base-layering..
One of my favorite things to teach are different “style hacks” that will allow you to ensure you’re going to look good. Probably my favorite of these “hacks” is base-layering..
*in partnership with Native. All thoughts expressed are my own. Having clean, healthy hair is something that dudes could be paying a lot more attention to, in my opinion. It’s.
*in partnership with Walmart Believe it or not, I have some difficulty styling myself in shorts. I’ve spent years being self-conscious of my legs, thinking they were too skinny, and.
*in partnership with Walmart A lot of people that I talk to hold onto a similar setback when it comes to dressing well, budget. Obviously we’re in the midst of.
*this post is in partnership with Head & Shoulders, but it’s still my honest opinion As my hair has continued to grow during the quarantine, I’ve experienced a plethora of.
*this post is in partnership with Sperry, but as always, I’m giving you my honest opinion As I’m sure anyone could imagine, becoming an iconic piece of fashion history is.
I recently partnered up with Swisse Wellness to try out and showcase some of their products. They’ve sponsored this post, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing if I didn’t.
There’s been an EXPLOSION of “ugly christmas” clothing over the last few years and understandably so…it’s a really fun way to dress. Tacky can also still be stylish as I.
For me, one of the strangest things about aging is that I actually enjoy giving more than receiving. 15 years ago, had you asked me if I ever thought that.
To be completely honest with you, I sometimes find dressing during fall overwhelming. Mainly because I can go in so many different directions. Maybe I’m feeling dressy, so I can.
*this post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, if I didn’t enjoy it myself I wouldn’t be talking about it! As I’ve gotten old…er, one of the things that.
FOLLOW ME ON IG: https://bit.ly/2Wj1xUB I’m pretty much obsessed with sweaters, guys. They’re warm, they’re cozy, they’re stylish. What more could you ask for? Understanding what sweaters you need, how.
As the weather gets cooler, one of the easiest ways to ensure that you’re staying comfortable while also looking and feeling good is layering. If you’re unfamiliar, layering is the.
Here’s my latest video showing you 5 ways to style brown boots. They’re easily one of the most versatile shoes during fall and winter so knowing a few different ways.
*This post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, I’m only sharing because I’m a big fan myself Let’s begin with this – anyone who doesn’t already know, I’m obsessed.
*meals provided by Catered Fit, but as always, being fully honest about my experience I’m lazy AF in the kitchen. Let’s not sugar coat it. If it weren’t for my.
As the saying goes, classic is classic for a reason. I stand by this wholeheartedly. Having been involved in the fashion industry for years, I’ve seen brands come and go. It’s.
*this post is in partnership with Kenneth Cole, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it with you if I didn’t think it was worth it! More often than not.
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Some of my earliest memories include me crawling around by my Dad’s feet. Guess what shoes he.
Another week in the books! It was a productive one for me. Not only did I get a good amount of work done but I was forced to return my.
*this post is in partnership with Macy’s, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing if I didn’t love it myself! With V-Day right around the corner, it’s time to get.
This isn’t something that’s easy for me to admit, but I’ve noticed my style start to become a bit more classic-leaning in the last few months. My natural inclinations aren’t.
*this post is with Alive Multivitamins, but as always, if I didn’t love them I wouldn’t be sharing! Let’s talk about, what I would consider, the most important part of the.
*Sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I get so sick of wearing jeans. Sure, they’re amazing and versatile and super classic, but they just simply get old sometimes. Thankfully designers like Hudson.
*Sponsored by Zappos Wearing all black is something that I wasn’t comfortable with for a long time. It felt goth. It felt depressing. Then I started getting more comfortable with being.
DAY Considering the fact that life only seems to be getting busier, I wanted to showcase how important I think footwear choice can be. Today I’ve partnered with Cole Haan and ShopRunner to showcase.
This Collaboration was sponsored by lululemon and Shopping Links but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it if I didn’t think that it’s awesome! Wearing a jacket is one of my.
Thank you to Find Your Influence for sponsoring this post It’s very common that people don’t really understand what it is that I do. “What’s your real job?” “How do.
*sponsored by Zappos For whatever reason, I sometimes shy away from certain things because they seem a bit too…I don’t know…mainstream? Maybe it’s the LA hipster in me, but it’s.
*sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I’m in a mood to try something new. It’s fun to do because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and I can find out.
*This post is sponsored by Perrier® Carbonated Mineral Water, but the content and opinions expressed here are my own. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but sometimes it’s nice to.
Up until I started to get more serious with my blogging and learning more and more about the world of fashion, I wasn’t a fan of suits. They’re uncomfortable, they’re.
As the weather warms up, I like my coffee to cool down. You like what I did there? It’s just science. Hot beverages make me hot, so drinking something cold.
Being someone who spends more time on Instagram than the average person, I tend to notice when any brand receives a lot of attention. So when the uber-successful watch company.
Slowly but surely, summer is poking it’s bright shining head into our days and I’m loving it. Even in LA, where it’s nice most of the year, the feeling of.
As the weather is warming up, but still being pretty fickle in LA, I’m finding myself being highly in need of the right type of jacket. Something warm, functional, and.
Considering I didn’t start until college, I was a late bloomer to the world of shaving. As my Dad always said, we’re “further evolved from the apes.” Well now that.
For as long as I can remember, watches have been something I enjoy. The classic digital watch is where I got my start as a kid, then I transitioned into.
As a former athlete, being a sports fan comes pretty naturally. Yet when you’re from Cincinnati, fandom can be a bit frustrating. The Bengals are wishy-washy, the Reds are whack,.
Not sure about you, but up until recently I equated dress shoes with high levels of style but low levels of comfort. The most classic men’s shoe in the game.
I’ll be the first to admit that it can be really easy to fall into patterns with my style. Certain types of pieces are more comfortable to me at certain.
*this post is in collaboration with Topman and Stylinity As I’ve been saying, spring is right around the corner! That means it’s time to start stocking up on the things that.
Every so often I’m contacted for an opportunity that I simply cannot pass up. This happened to me recently when the fine people from Chookhare & Sons reached out offering.
Whether you’re ready for it or not (not sure how you couldn’t be ready for it), spring is almost here! That means three things. No more adding whipped cream to.
Styling one’s self during the winter time can be viewed in a few different ways. You can either go the easy route and only dress for warmth, or you can.
Don’t like to read? Go watch my YouTube video tutorial instead! It’s honestly shocking to me how often I meet guys who do absolutely nothing to take care of their.
*sponsored by Zappos Every so often, a fashion find happens and you get a refresher on why you love clothes so much to begin with. This happened to me recently.
Happy Holidays everyone! I hope that by now you’re either mentally preparing or already in the full swing of holiday mode. It’s a great time to relax with family, watch.
I would think that by the sheer nature of me asking this question you’d already know my answer…but in short…yes! I’ve recently teamed up with my friends from Sharply, an.
Sponsored by Zappos One of the best parts about learning to understand fashion is that you start to understand how to take things you’ve always worn and make them look.
*this post is sponsored by Zappos How would you like to learn something new? I hope your answer was yes. Did you know that the optimal body temperature is 37.5.
Every so often, something happens that we never would’ve expected. Concepts are introduced that seem kind of crazy, but once you sit with them for a bit you understand their.
Disclosure: this post is sponsored by Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group, but as always, if I didn’t love it I wouldn’t be sharing it. I’ll start this post off with complete.
Raise your hand if you’re attending either a family party or a “Friendsgiving” party. Ok, raising of hands was a bad idea, but you get the point. Most of you.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, everybody!! The holidays are looming just around the corner and that means it’s time to engage gift mode, ASAP. Don’t be a.
I recently got my hands on some denim from Jeansda, a Japanese denim company and I’m really excited to talk to you guys about my experience today. It’s something I’d been wanting to.
I’ve been chomping at the bit for the temperature in LA to drop below 80 degrees so I can make any excuse for myself to wear a sweater. I partnered.
I was recently hit up by Casestation, an awesome brand that specializes in mobile accessories. Phone cases, Apple Watch bands, charging cables…pretty much whatever you need to stylize your digital.
One of my favorite things about my job is that I get guys coming up to me digitally or in person and discussing style with me. Sometimes it’s asking for.
Fall season is one of my most exciting times of year for fashion. That’s because it’s cool enough to wear jackets, but not so cold that you need a giant.
New video up on the YouTube channel today, ladies and germs! I work away from home a lot, so I need to carry a bunch of stuff with me. I.
I’m at the age where it seems like I have a wedding to attend every month. At the risk of offending people, it’s bittersweet. Of course it’s a great opportunity.
Well…I’m not sure whether some of you are aware of this, but IT’S 80 DEGREES IN OCTOBER!!!! I don’t know what else to do but force myself to stay excited by.
Good day! It’s something I’ve been wanting to address for quite awhile now, and that’s my process for picking an outfit. I often get asked by people where to begin.
Yep. It’s time to talk about your work clothes, dudes. Now I’m not too sure whether there have been any scientific studies done on this – and if there haven’t,.
During fall, shoe choice becomes more important than the rest of the year. It might be hot, but then what if it rains? Maybe it’s cold, and suddenly starts to.
Whoa whoa whoa…stop that. I see you shifting into fall fashion mode and going to put away your summer pieces. Pump the brakes for a second and let me explain.
Since moving to LA eight years ago I have immersed myself in the California lifestyle in many ways. I’ve “drank the kool-aid” as they say. Shit, I’ve probably chugged the.
One of my favorite summer trends over the last couple of years are bold button up shirts. There’s something wrong with that statement, though. Even I termed them as a.
*Sponsored by Zappos I’m sure you remember corduroys, right? That striped pant that you probably wore a lot of growing up and then just sort of naturally faded away from..
As fall (slowly) creeps into our lives, (Honestly, it feels like it’s been in the high-80’s and low-90’s for months and I’m so ready for it to be over) the.
There comes a point when fall is transitioning into our lives when we get sick of wearing tees and lightweight fabrics. Sometimes it’s nice to feel something a bit heavier.
Oh jewelry…how I love thee! If you’re new to the accessory game, then you’ve come to the right spot. Not only will we be talking about the different types, but.
I’m not sure about you but I find shoe choices during the summer and early fall to be a bit frustrating. I’m not always in the mood for sneakers, I.
A lot of times when I’m talking to guys about fitness their main concern is looking better without their shirt on, which is totally understandable. It’s great to have confidence.
One of my favorite things about being a blogger is the relationship I’m able to create with brands that I love. These relationships lead to invitations to things I.
Ever since first being exposed to fitness when I was entering high school, I’ve been a fan. It’s always been a great stress reliever and confidence booster. I’ll be the.
If you’re reading this while sitting on top of a wallet that’s three inches thick, filled with receipts from the early 2000’s, then you’ve come to the perfect place. The.
Oddly enough I found myself invited to a luxury beach resort recently and realized I wasn’t sure what to wear. I didn’t want to dress too stuffy and feel uncomfortable.
Anyone’s who’s remotely familiar with fashion understands that there are trends and fads. MC Hammer pants, JNCO Jeans, and retro sports jerseys are just a couple of examples from the.
Congrats! You’ve made the decision to start transforming your life for the better. Getting in shape is more popular than ever and for good reason. It’s no longer about getting.
Happy Friday everybody!! I wanted to share an outfit idea with you, as I like to do from time to time. A lot of us are burned out from a.
I absolutely love fashion. I know…duh, right? But seriously. Not only are there constantly new ideas and trends being introduced, some of which stick for longer than others (cough, parachute.
This post is in partnership with Scarci Resort Wear, but if I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t be sharing it with you! Summmertiiimmmeeee and the linen is breezy! Whoa, that.
A lot of us have certain things that just seem to stick in our brains. Whether it be a new toy, a piece of tech, a watch, a certain pair.
Why hello! It’s summertime and for me that means accessories. With summer fashion being mainly pretty basic, I like to spice things up with fun surrounding pieces. One of THE.
Wearing jeans in the summer can be annoying. It’s no fun to get too sweaty, the way they fit has to be just right because too skinny isn’t comfortable and.
Today I’m expressing my right to be basic. One of the most common issues I come across when I’m teaching guys about style is their lack of knowledge on where.
I don’t know about you, but I think it’s smart to have a go-to silhouette for each season. It can always fluctuate, but having an idea as to the basic.
You can still look good without overdoing it with American Flags. Happy 4th of July! Hopefully you have some fun plans for today with friends and family. Whether it’s a.
The bold short sleeve button up shirt has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years. From vintage Japanese prints to neon colored palm tree prints, there’s something for.
Happy Monday, everyone!! I hope you all had amazing, eventful, relaxing, fun, debaucherous, (insert descriptive weekend term here) weekends! Now that it’s Monday and time to start the week all.
Heyoooo! We all made it through another week of work, school (well, summer school), retirement, or whatever! Cheers to us! I partnered with Rodd & Gunn, an awesome brand from.
They’re not always as easy to pull off as you may think. Shorts are a classic style piece. They’ve ebbed and flowed in terms of their popularity over the years,.
Eating right is the most important thing we can do, but it’s not always easy… Clean eating will have you looking, feeling, sleeping, living better! Obviously I think most of.
These will have you covered…well, at least half of you. via topman.com Statement Trousers! When the weather is sticky and hot, it’s no fun to be a sweaty mess. It’s.
I recently scored this (saweeeeeet) embroidered denim jacket from BooHooMan and personally, I’m loving it. I wanted to put out the feelers to see if you guys were also into it.
Summer is here. While you should’ve been incorporating a solid fitness routine into your lifestyle for awhile now, a lot of us slacked off (me!) and didn’t get into the.
Hair can be a frustrating thing for guys. Some guys have more hair than others. There are tons of different products or treatments out there to help you control frizz or make.
One of, if not THE most essential accessory during the summertime are sunglasses. They protect your eyes, they keep you from getting headaches from squinting too much, and if you.
The time has come! Hopefully you’ve already acquired a nice charcoal suit and a navy suit, as those are your staple pieces. Now it’s time to step your suit game.
Cheers! You made it through another grueling week of work. Now it’s Friday and you’re chomping at the bit to get your weekend started, right?? Well, as usual, I like.
If you don’t already know, I’m obsessed with white sneakers. I grew up loving them and nothing has changed…well it used to be Air Force Ones. They’re one of the.
I’m such a fan of the resurgence of classic cocktails over the last few years. Growing up, (ages 21-25, haha) we never really drank booze. It was either beer or.
So you’re FINALLY jumping on the skincare bandwagon, eh? Hopefully it’s something you already pay a bit of attention to, but if not, I’ve got your back…well, your face technically..
Cheeeeers to the freakin weekend! Happy Friday everyone. I hope you’ve had a wonderful and productive week. Things have been good on my end. We’re continuing to work on our.
When MR. PORTER reached out to me and let me know that 12 designers were creating collections inspired by the California lifestyle, I was PUMPED. Not only because I’m such a.
Judging from my own personal experience, summer wedding season is coming. Jaclyn and I are going to at least two, potentially three weddings this year and I’m sure a lot.
Face it, if you don’t already have some chelsea boots, you’re missing out. They’re comfortable, stylish, versatile, and just freakin’ cool! What other reasons do you need?? I just got.
Regardless of the current weather report in your neck of the woods, summer is coming! It’s like Jaws, except way less scary…and with less teeth. Come to think of it,.
It’s freakin’ Friday!!! Hope everyone has had an excellent and productive week. I know I have. We’re finally settling into our new condo and it’s been so much fun putting.
We did it!! Jac and I had the opportunity to drive to Big Bear recently and hit the slopes on some Signal Snowboards. It was both of our first time.
Springtime is officially here! I absolutely love this time of year because it’s warm but not hot. I figured it was the perfect time to discuss a fun way to.
A few weeks ago, Jaclyn and I had the privilege of heading to Napa, CA for a weekend getaway with Chevrolet. After arriving in San Francisco, we were treated with.
If I get nothing else across to you in all of my posts here, let the one thing be classic versatility. Quality pieces that are made well, fit great and.
One of the most fun things that happens to me is when I’m wearing an outfit and someone comes up to me, interesting in a specific piece I’m wearing and.
To continue the discussion on skincare from my recent post reviewing Oars + Alps line, I’ve decided that it’s time to discuss my nightly routine. If you aren’t already aware,.
It’s Monday, which means that a lot of us are back to the workweek grind. The Oscars were crazy last night and I’m sure it’s the talk of around a.
In the last few years I’ve started to pay a lot more attention to my skin. Moisturizing, the type of face wash that I’m using, it’s all important to me..
I got some new glasses! As someone with absolutely awful eyesight, glasses are an essential part of my life. I can’t see two feet in front of me without some.
It’s the most wonderful tiiimmmeeee of the year!!! Sure, holiday season is cool and all, but when the temperatures first start to rise back into the 70s is my favorite.
Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday! If you didn’t know that you’re either single or WAY behind. I know a lot of people consider V-Day a “Hallmark” Holiday that was made.
I’ve been feeling too damn squeaky clean lately! For whatever reason, I’ve been naturally styling myself in a bit of a preppier, cleaner sort of way. I woke up in.
Here we are, yet ANOTHER Monday. As I’m settling into the everyday grind of running the blog I’ve become much more of a desk jockey than I ever imagined I.
Aw snap! It’s starting to warm back up in LA (at least it was yesterday). This mean that’s it’s time to start being more conscious of fabrics, fits and colors..
One of the hardest lessons for me to learn in fashion was the idea of quality over quantity. Basically put, it means that spending extra money on something that’s made.
Five years ago, if you would’ve asked me if I’d ever wear a turtleneck again I probably would’ve laughed in your face. I wore a ton of them as a.
Although it seems the rainy weather we’ve been having in LA is FINALLY over, it’s still fresh on my mind. I know I’m a spoiled brat when it comes to.
Oh yeah, it’s denim on denim time. For understandable reasons, it can be an oddly intimidating outfit for a lot of guys. A lot of different types of dude have.
I’m a huge fan of sweatpants. They’re cozy, they’re warm and thanks to the explosion of Athleisure, tons of brands are making them with higher quality fabrics in slimmer designs..
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, but my eyesight is GARBAGE! It’s a hereditary trait that I most certainly inherited from my Mom, but I’m not mad about it..
So if you don’t follow my social media (you’re missing out), you wouldn’t know that I just got back from a trip home to Cincinnati for New Years! Jaclyn and.
“OMGGGGG!!! Alert the authorities!! It’s raining in LA!!!” – everyone in LA If you don’t already know this, people freak the F*CK out when it rains here. Considering it’s only.
It’s a beautiful thing when you can feel good about buying yourself something, isn’t it? More and more companies are adopting the Toms Shoes model and donating a percentage of.
Oh my goooodnessssssss!! I’ve done my first styling video to accompany my posts. Gonna try to start doing more video/vlog style stuff, so please CLICK HERE to check it out!.
Weirdly, one of the most confusing directions we can be given in fashion is the idea of “business casual”. Sometimes it means button up and chinos, sometimes it means jeans.
If you’re delving into fashion in a serious way for the first time or if you’re simply trying to expand on your current closet, starting with the basics is essential..
Heyoooooo!! I’m very excited to announce my first video is up on the Gent’s Lounge YouTube page! I’ve always been a big fan of doctoring clothes to turn something old.
Recently I’ve started focusing a LOT more heavily on my skincare routine. Maybe it’s those first signs of aging creeping in and scaring the living hell out of me, haha,.
Quite often I get approached by someone either in my personal life or online who wants to have better style but is struggling with where to start. It’s an understandable.
The holidays are a beautiful time of year, no doubt. They’re also insanely stressful. The traveling alone is enough to give me nightmares. We always travel during the holidays.
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is already Thanksgiving, but the facts speak for themselves. It’s time we all gather around the table, eat till we hate ourselves and then.
So obviously fashion is a majorly important part of my life. It’s what I use to express myself, it’s how I relay my mood to the world, but fashion isn’t.
Hooray!! Congratualtions!!! You’re one of the lucky people who have the opportunity to visit the beach this time of year. It’s honestly the best guys. There’s way less traffic, parking.
In the midst of the craziness that’s happening in our country right now, I want to take a minute to try and be productive in teaching a new lesson. In.
The election is over!! Let’s all celebrate by treating ourselves to something nice. Here’s this week’s haul. Mostly clothes with a couple of housewares thrown in. Also a book that.
For as long as I can remember (ok fine, like a year), I’ve been in search of a luxury weekender bag. Considering I’m shooting, quickly traveling, and just generally out of.
Although I try to pride myself on being able to wear a versatile range of clothes, it’s no secret that I’m much more naturally adept at casual. Standing out while.
It’s about that time! Get it? Hilarious jokes aside, let’s take a minute to discuss the wide world of watches. It’s pretty easy to get your hands on a great.
Enough already!!!!! This happens every year. I throughly enjoy myself during the summer months, taking full advantage of wearing shorts and t-shirts as often as possible. Then “fall” comes and all.
The weather is trying to change, although it’s been a little frustrating. Mostly fashion with some accessories and home decor thrown in. Here’s this week’s Web Haul: JavaScript is currently.
It’s that time again! Some fashion, accessories and art this week! It’s only Tuesday, so there’s plenty of time to get shopping for your weekend. Also, it’s never too early to.
I’m not sure about you but shit has started to get a little crowded over here in my neck of the woods. When I say crowded, I mean in the.
Yep, I did it. I’m wearing white pants after Labor Day. Come at me, fashion police! As I’ve said before, I certainly agree with the term that fashion rules are.
Heyo! Considering a lot of my day consists of roaming around the internet and stumbling onto things that I love, I figured it would be smart to start compiling some.
I’ll be honest, without fit, fashion is bullshit. The clothes you put on represent you and if you’re completely unaware of how they should fit, it’s not surprising that you.
Way to go! You overslept and now you’re supposed to be somewhere. We’ve all done it, right? It’s one of life’s many inevitabilities, you just have to hope that you.
Fall weather means a few things, one of them, and probably my favorite is jacket weather! Ever since I was old enough to be aware, I’ve been jacket obsessed. Something.
Why hellooooooo!!! Welcome to my brand new segment, Fashion 101, where I’ll be discussing things that every guy needs to know when it comes to fashion knowledge. Having a solid.
Heyoooo! Happy Friday guys, I hope everyone has some fun plans this weekend. Regardless of what you’ve got going on, I want to talk a little bit about building out.
I had the pleasure of co-hosting a Made to Measure suiting event at the Combat Gent store in Santa Monica yesterday. If you’re not already familiar, Combat Gent is a menswear.
It’s Saturday!!! Hopefully that means you have some fun plans with friends or your significant other. Personally, when I’m going out on a Saturday I like to make it a.
For the longest time I stayed away from shirts and ties because they felt, well, boring. A plain ass suit with a plain ass shirt and a plain ass tie?.
One of the many reasons I love doing this blog is so that I can always make my opinions expressly known. I’m a natural born debater and having a forum.
I’m so excited about it starting to become fall! No more sweating through all of my clothes, no more dreading having to go anywhere because of it being so damn.
In case you missed it on IG, your boy just turned 30! It’s totally weird to say it out loud now that it’s official, but honestly it’s been more motivational.
Every so often I’ll wake up and actually feel like putting on a suit. I know, it’s weird, but something about the feeling that a suit brings makes me feel.
If you’re a living, breathing man under the age of 50 and you don’t own at least one plaid shirt, I’m pretty sure I know what you need to be.
Phelps has already won gold, which means the Olympics are in full swing. It’s a pretty exciting time in the USA, with flags and banners hanging from all sorts of.
Isn’t blue awesome? I mean that as abstractly as possible. The color is one of, if not the most common in the spectrum. Our world is covered in it, and.
I was on my way to an event in Malibu last week and couldn’t resist pulling over to one of my favorite overlooks and snapping some photos. It’s been so.
Just like most of you, I get the majority of my fashion inspiration from magazines, the internet, runway shows and other people on the street. Every so often, however, I.
At this point, summer is in full swing. It’s starting to get hotter and hotter so the amount of clothes being worn is dwindling. Summer, as I’ve stated before, can.
Easily one of my favorite things about summer is the ability to bust out a lot of fun accessories. One of the best (and most important) pieces in my wardrobe.
The classic Hawaiian-style button up shirt has made a major resurgence this season. This one from Tommy Bahama is absolutely incredible (if I do say so myself, haha). Classic and.
A question I’m being asked more and more often is whether or not black and brown can be worn together. A lot of guys who aren’t necessarily “fashion forward” see.
Whoops! Your boy’s been slacking on writing blog posts. Not to fear. I’m back and will be pushing hard to get at least two up per week from here on.
Summer is coming! That means that it’s time to stow away your bulky jackets and bust out your favorite tees. It’s an exciting time of year for me because by this point I’m totally ready to wear tees and jeans on a daily basis, although in three month I’ll be begging Mother Nature to let me put on a damned jacket…
Spring is a fun time for fashion. The weather is still fluctuating enough that you can wear a bunch of different types of pieces. One thing that I ALWAYS love.
Mondays, am I right?! For the majority of my adult life, I’ve struggled with Mondays. Even though I don’t necessarily work a traditional job with traditional hours, I do my best to get my work done during the day time so that I can relax and be a normal person in the evenings. Monday mornings and afternoons…
If you’re a loser like me who isn’t going to Coachella this weekend, then I’ve got just what you need: Athleisure! If you haven’t heard the term, athleisure is a style of clothing that is suitable for working out or daily life. It’s well made, fitted and extremely comfortable. So many people were finding themselves…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! NBA Playoffs are set to begin on Saturday and I am PUMPED! The way most guys get about March Madness is how.
As I’ve said before, one of my favorite things about fashion is that classics stay classic. Purchasing a piece that’s been in style since its creation is tough to beat. This classic M-65 Field Coat from Alpha Industries is the perfect example. It’s a technically designed military style coat that’s built for actual wear and tear. Stylistically it’s great because of it’s versatility, which is mainly what I want to focus on today…
Fashion is great. It’s a direct representation of yourself, guys. You can be whoever you want to be by dressing with intention. Today I want to talk about embracing your inner grown-man. I’m the type of person who can seem…
So I want to start structuring these posts with a personal story and/or a lesson about how I became who I am stylistically. I’m finding that a lot of guys.
I’m continually amazed by the massive amounts of brands there are out there. The explosion of the Americana movement with quality materials made right here in the USA has forced brands to step their game up and produce at the highest level. A little bit of healthy competition is leading to some of the best constructed menswear that’s ever existed…
As the weather changes back to spring and summer again, I find myself leaning back towards a different style of shoe. Thankfully boots are an all-year thing but it’s definitely nice to have other options for the warmer months of the year…
I’m not, by any means, a super masculine guy. The extent of my knowledge about cars is how to change a tire. That being said, I find that as I grow older, I tend to feel most comfortable in a more masculine style of clothing. I love the feel of a quality pair of denim and a well made pair of boots…
One of my favorite things about fashion is that certain pieces never go out of style. A well-fitted black suit, a nice pair of brown brogues and a leather bomber.
The dress shirt is one of the oldest and most widely produced pieces in the history of menswear. They’ve been worn by Kings, Presidents, Blues Brothers and many more. Having gone to private school throughout the majority of my youth, I became very familiar with dress shirts from a very young age. Itchy fabrics, tight and loose…
As I continue to dive deeper into the world of menswear, I’ve started to experience the higher end of the spectrum. I’ve been afforded pieces and brands that would’ve normally always been out of my price range, which is great. I’ve learned a lot about quality over quantity. I definitely subscribe to that policy more so now…
Perhaps you already saw on my Instagram or Facebook, but I had some exciting news come through the pipeline this week. I’ll be joining Gent’s Lounge as Senior Editor of their brand new website. If you’re not already familiar, Gents Lounge is a duo of fashion influencers…
Denim on denim aka the “Canadian Tuxedo” is a move that I personally encourage on a very regular basis. It’s suitable for most all activities and gives the right amount of attitude to an otherwise simple outfit. This look can however easily drift into farmhand territory if you don’t know what you’re doing. I know great fashion is about disregarding rules, but here are mine anyways…
I like to think outside the box when it comes to holiday gifts. Show me a man who buys his Valentine flowers and a box of chocolates and I’ll show you a lazy man. This year, I picked up a pair of the Wooster slip on sneakers in black for Jaclyn because she’s been so envious of my different styles of Greats. They’re simple…
Fitness is a complicated business. They say that it’s 80% diet. That means that no matter how hard you work in the gym, if you don’t focus your attention on what your eating, the hard work and time you’re putting in will be wasted. Well I’m here to disagree with that to a certain extent. I think that eating healthy…
I have a confession…there are a TON of jackets and coats in my closet. I’m not sure what it is about them that I love so much. Maybe it’s that they keep me so warm and cozy…or maybe it’s that they combat the elements of the weather so well. Honestly, it’s probably just because I think they look awesome and it’s fun…
One of my favorite stories about me as a kid goes like this…At the tender age of 4, I awoke for school one morning and, as usual, checked out the clothes my Mom had laid out for me to wear that day. While she was getting ready in the bathroom next to my bedroom, she was distracted with putting on her makeup…
If you’re interested in making fitness a regular part of your life, I’m a firm believer that you need to look the part. Whether you’re already in good shape or not, there’s great workout clothing options out there. Dressing the part at the gym is no different than doing so at the office. You wouldn’t show up to work in…
One of my favorite things about doing this blog is getting the opportunity to talk to other guys about fashion. Sometimes it’s guys who are more involved and know more than I do, sometimes it’s guys who have been inspired by my stuff and are looking to get their feet wet. The latter is so awesome for me, not only because…
When two futuristic extra-terrestrials from the planet Hondo, General Trius and Kevin, are sent to destroy the Earth, nothing will stop them on their quest for destruction. That is, until they hear music for the very first time. Instantly they realize their own affinity and talent for musicianship and form a band, Future Folk…
It’s been awhile ago now, but I can remember watching Louis C.K. being interviewed on one of the late night shows and talking about how it took him a long time to reach his full potential. The most important ingredient, he said, was getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. That’s what allowed him to become the trailblazing creative…
Music, as I’m sure it is with a lot of you, is ESSENTIAL to my workout experience. Without the right tunes playing in my ear I easily lose motivation and therefore have a much less effective workout. In the past I had often gotten frustrated with my Apple earbuds when it came to working out because the cord…
Cool! Something new! In the spirit of getting to know me a bit better, you should know that I’m a big TV and film nerd. I’ll watch just about anything but have a special place in my heart for indies. I’m getting a little sick of the super hero genre (Jessica Jones was sweet, though). I also really love a great thriller or horror film…
Quality vs. quantity is a big thing these days in fashion and lifestyle. So many brands, so many options…it’s easy to grab just about whatever you want and save money on it. This has almost always been my way of life, until now. It took me a long time to realize that paying a little more for something and knowing that it will last is much more valuable than saving the money on it in the original purchase. Slightly more expensive options should be better constructed…
I admit it! I can sometimes be a bit of a slob. I know I’m pretty good at presenting myself as a pretty little package on the blog but it’s not always indicative of the true me. Truth is, I’m busy. Work, school, girlfriend, friends, family…they all take time. When your day is as full as it seems it possibly can be…
Today I learned that photographing corduroy is nearly impossible unless you want a picture’s frame to be completely filled with fabric lines. That being said, I really wanted to show off these sweet black corduroy jogger pants from Fairplay Brand. The subtlety of the corduroy is a cool way to differentiate…
Running and jogging are easily the most popular forms of exercise. They’re a great stress and calorie burner, and whether you’re an ultra marathoner or a person who thinks 3 miles is a milestone (me), having the right running shoes will make or (literally) break you. Running shoes have gotten to be expensive…
God help us all!!! It’s been raining for the past two days straight in LA. Floods in the streets, water evverrryyyywwhhheeerrrreeeee!!!! But seriously, it’s rained a shitload in the past 48 hours and is supposed to continue, therefore causing me to experience that same feeling I have every year for these…
My Dad taught me years ago that a man’s watch says a lot about him. At the time I thought he sounded like a typical old dude but over the years I’ve definitely understood more and more of what he meant. A watch is an extension of your self. If you’re wearing a big chunky Rolex, I’m going to make an assumption about your personality. Also, if you’re wearing a calculator Timex, I’m going to learn a lot about who you are…
Easily one of my least favorite parts about ACTUAL cold weather is my coat making me sweat once I get inside my destination. Thankfully here in LA, actual cold weather is a rarity (hence why I moved here!). Isn’t is so annoying, though?? Having to lug around your bulky coat inside a busy bar or store…I hated it growing up in Ohio…
Growing up in private school, a uniform was a regularity in my wardrobe. In grade school at Visitation it was a polo shirt and navy blue pants, but we were allowed to wear sneakers, so at least I could showcase my style in some way through my shoes. You can imagine my dismay when I found out that Elder High School’s uniform consisted of a polo shirt and khaki pants, but we couldn’t wear sneakers! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t freak out a little…
During the holidays, I like to always remember one important thing. Giving. However, giving is a loose term that can absolutely include giving to yourself. Not to say that you should give to yourself more than you give to others, but Tom Haverford had a solid point when he said “treat yo’self”…
Holiday season is upon us! That means you’re (hopefully) wrapping up loose ends at work or school before you go on holiday break, the time of year when you can kick back and do pretty much whatever you want! If what you want to do is take your significant other out on a nice holiday date (they deserve it), then I have a suggestion for you…
So you say you want to get in shape but consistently find yourself hiding behind the excuse of time, eh? Join the club. Working out is downright annoying sometimes, I know. It takes up a lot of time that could be spent doing more fun or productive things, right? Not anymore! My friend Nathan introduced me to this new 7 Minute Workout app and it’s honestly helped out so much…
It’s been a couple of weeks since I got my latest tattoo (pictured above). I wanted to let it heal up before I showed it off to you guys and explained why I choose to “stay curious.” I like to consider myself a pretty avid reader. I missed out on the reading bug as a lazy kid who would’ve rather hung out with friends or played Nintendo 64 so I figure I have a lot of catching up to do. Most recently, I buzzed through “A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life” by Brian Grazer. Grazer is a HUGE Hollywood producer…
I swayed back and forth as to whether I wanted to keep the ‘stache going, but ultimately decided that it’ll more fun to leave it as a Movember tradition from here on out. Plus, I just scored this amazing new shaving cream from…
All sorts of fun doors are being opened as the temperature is dropping this winter. As always in LA, it’s back and forth, one day pushing 80 degrees and the next dipping into the 40’s. It’s fun though…keeps you on your toes. I find myself always wanting to try new things each fall and winter. This year, one of those things is jogger pants. If you’re not familiar, joggers have become a wildly popular style choice in the past…
Holiday season is upon us! Not sure about you guys, but it snuck up on me like a…something that moves very stealthily, I don’t know, a cougar? Anyways, with Thanksgiving happening this week and Christmas (Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Festivus) right around the corner, parties have begun popping up left and right. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy a roaring shindig as much as the next guy but with so many social activities happening…
For me, one of, if not THE most difficult thing to deal with when working out is motivation. Without the proper motivation your workouts will be less effective and may not even happen at all. Regardless of when I’m planning on squeezing in my day’s workout, I have to make a mental arrangement and stick to it. Otherwise my motivation goes out the window…
Dressing yourself in the winter can be tough. If you live someplace where it gets really cold, it’s easy to grab your parka and go. I want to talk about how you can put a bit of effort into your outfit during the winter and stand out from the rest of the guys while still maintaining your warmth and comfort. Growing up in the Midwest (Cincinnati, whattup?!), I learned from a very early age…
Hey guys!! So I put a little video together talking about why I decided to take part in Movember this month. Head over to YouTube to see it and hopefully you’ll feel compelled to join me or make a donation…
In my opinion, even someone who considers themselves very set in their own sense of style should still be willing to step outside of their fashion comfort zone from time to time. Getting too comfortable in anything is a bad thing, really. It causes you to go a bit stagnant and not see every angle of what could be. A lot of guys that I meet aren’t into fashion or are somewhat intimidated…
I started working out for the first time at age 14 when I was a freshman in high school. We had mandatory strength sessions in order to prepare us for tryouts for the football team. It was the first time I was introduced to fitness. The workouts mainly consisted of following a pre-set order of lifts…
Ok…maybe this isn’t the BEST outfit for trekking through the desert, but I couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to shoot with my old friend Ryan Orange (www.ryankorange.com) out in Mojave. There’s something so eerie and creepy about the old towns…
For years, I would approach my workouts and fitness with a very lackadaisical attitude. What I hadn’t begun to understand was that fitness needs to be approached in the same.
Calling all guys aspiring to be fashionable!! What’s that? You’re too busy? You hate to shop? You don’t know what to pick out for yourself? Sorry, but your excuses have officially run out thanks to Five Four Clothing! I totally get that it’s not on the top of every guy’s to-do list to be out shopping on the weekend or after work. It’s time consuming, expensive, frustrating, yes, I agree. That’s why Five Four stepped in to save the day. They’re a Los Angeles based company…
Personally, one of my favorite things about fall is shopping for new and exciting pieces to break in during the colder months. If you’re like me, there are one or.
So it’s that time again, Fitness Friday, the last day before the weekend and your best opportunity to sweat out the stress of the week and set yourself up for a fun and productive two days off! I wanted to take a minute to shout out CORE POWERRRRR!!!!! It’s arguably the most important area of fitness and it often gets overlooked…
Early fall is great because it allows you to combine outfits that don’t work at any other time of the year. I recently found this short sleeved knit top from Azul by Moussy and had to have it. I love pieces that are constructed one way, yet made of materials that are unlike the structure. For instance, this shirt…
I like to think that subtlety is one my strong suits. I’m the type of guy who likes to be seen, but on my own terms. I’m never the one making a grand entrance or grabbing attention immediately when I walk into a room. I prefer to let people discover me in their own time. That being said, I’m loving this new shirt from Kennington Man. Look closely…I was sure to grab a detailed pic so that you could. See it??
Although the weather report refuses to agree with the calendar, one of these days, fall will be upon us. When that day comes, you damned well better have a jacket ready to go! No more of this getting dressed in the morning and being fine all day in your t-shirt and shorts, you lazy bum! Put some thought into it, even if it’s as simple as today’s post…
If you’re just getting to know me through the blog, you’d probably be surprised to find out that I went through a pretty serious wannabe-gangster aka “wankster” phase in early high school. It was the height of Eminem and 50 Cent’s popularity and I simply just couldn’t help myself from rocking baggy sweatpants, jerseys, bandanas, all of the essentials of that era’s MTV labeled “cool guy”…
When doing cardio building outside, I like to find an open stretch of street, sidewalk or field and bust out some sprints. I know that sounds outrageous, but they don’t have to be all out, 100%. You can build up to that. Run a 10 second sprint and rest for 30-45 seconds afterward and start again. Run 10-15 sprints and your heart rate…
Summer is officially over! It’s a bittersweet thing to say when I think back on all the pool parties and brunch buzzes, but I must admit I’m ready for some fall weather. Layers, scarves, hats, jackets…weeeeeeeee!!! Today is the first day of fall, so I wanted to talk about a couple of my basic rules when it comes to early fall fashion…
Anyone, man or woman, who claims to be into fashion needs to have a special place in their heart for vintage clothing and accessories. Some of my fondest memories of first being old enough to be shopping for myself are going to Goodwill or St. Vincent dePaul and scoring a vintage jersey or…
As usual, summer flew by here in LA. However, that doesn’t mean the heat is gone. Similar to most people I talk to, I’m also ready to bust out my sweaters and jackets for the fall, but for the time being I’ve gotta suck it up and deal with what I’m given. I just picked up these brand new Chuck Taylor II’s recently and I’m basically obsessed. They’ve been redesigned with a Lunarlon insole, elastic tongue stabilizers and a cushioned upper…
If you didn’t already know, I’m originally from Cincinnati, OH. I’m VERY proud of my hometown. I’m a diehard local sports fan, foodie and overall lover of all things 513. Any chance I get to work together with a brand in general is exciting, but today I’m extremely excited to discuss my collaboration with Frameri, a Cincinnati-based…
Summer is coming to a close already (can’t believe it). That being said, temperatures in LA have remained sky-high. When it’s this hot, sometimes you’ve gotta figure out new and interesting ways to diversify from the typical summer outfit. I’ve about worn out my shorts and t-shirt drawers this summer, so I said screw it and decided to share an old favorite of mine, the waistcoat aka vest, with you. A good vest
The collision of fashion and function is upon us! Never before have brands taken materials, fit AND function into their development quite like today and it’s fantastic. One of the newest and best brands doing just that is Kit and Ace. Related to the founder of LuLuLemon, K&A founder Shannon Wilson developed this line with luxury and functionality…
I’m coming at you today in my new INC blazer from Macy’s. It’s 100% linen and as you can see from the pictures, a pretty sweet shade of red. INC is a great brand for guys looking to try new things in their wardrobe. The brand has a runway-inspired feel that is going to make statements without…
That’s right. I’m not afraid to shout it from the rooftops…I LOVE SWEATPANTS!!! Embarrassing admission in 3, 2, 1…In high school, I was a total product of the gangsta rap movement. So much so, in fact, that I prided myself on solely wearing baggy sweatpants…
If you follow my other social media (which you obviously should…so entertaining) then you saw that I had the privilege of spending last weekend in San Francisco. It was my second time visiting, with last time being a quick birthday trip…
As an American who’s into fashion, I’ve always been forced to follow what the Europeans start, which is fine because Europe is cooler than us anyways. Thankfully with the internet and social media, we don’t have to wait the 5-10 years for European fashions to trickle across…
I hope that reading this doesn’t teach you anything. Haha, I say that because today’s post is all about loyalty. I hope it’s not teaching you anything because you’re already as loyal a person as possible and you don’t…
If you follow along with the news, in general and especially fashion-based, you saw that Gap is closing 175 North American stores due to declining sales. It was a tough piece of news for me, a lifelong Gap lover. In my opinion, a store that’s been as influential…
I don’t wear a lot of suits. Sometimes it bugs me that I don’t go for them more often but then I realize that jeans and a tee is still such an easier way for me to express myself. That being said, there are always those days when I wake up feeling fancy. Today was one of those days. A good khaki suit is a staple…
Admit it, we’ve all been in this situation. You leave the house in the morning for a day of errands, activities, work or whatever, so you dress accordingly. There’s no way you’ll need a jacket in the 80 degree weather of daylight, so why even bring one? Then you get caught up at work, errands…
One of the things that I love most about the world of fashion in 2015 is how malleable it is. It’s an industry that allows just about anyone to come up with an idea and create a market if the idea is good enough. Sure, you have Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger, staples…
If you follow my blog AT ALL, you know that sneakers are about as close to my heart as any material good can be. I’ve been a sneaker fiend since childhood and I firmly blame it all on my Mom (kidding…sort of, ha! Love you, Mom). The world of athletic shoes has absolutely exploded over the last 10 years…
A good hat is like a good friend. You go through things together. You get to know one another on a very deep level. As time progresses you grow so incredibly comfortable with one another that you can’t really imagine sharing that time with anyone or anything else…
As painful as it can be, fashion is oftentimes about stepping outside of your comfort zone and giving things a chance. Thom Browne has made the shorts suit famous in his own right by sporting the look for years, but it wasn’t until last summer that we saw it reach…
Dressing for the weather is a difficult concept in the summertime. I’ve made that clear before but I must reiterate that it’s difficult to keep a roster of fresh shorts and t-shirts on deck at all times when the temperatures are pushing 90. You’ve gotta be able to open up…
If you’ve been outside in the last week or two, you’ve noticed that summer is here and it’s looking to be a hot one. If you haven’t been outside in the last week or two…Warcraft will still be there when you come back…
We didn’t have the wherewithal to dub it “streetwear” like they do now, but the current movement is massive. It’s happening everywhere, Europe, Asia, here in America and beyond. It’s a type of style that blends the comforts of sweats and denim with the technicality of cutting materials in unconventional…
I’ve partnered up with Azul by Moussy, an amazing brand that’s blown up overseas and is now available at Nordstrom. They were kind enough to throw a whole outfit on me and I must say that I’m loving