Thank you to Find Your Influence for sponsoring this post

It’s very common that people don’t really understand what it is that I do. “What’s your real job?” “How do you even make money?” “I’m sorry but I just do not get it.” These are only a few of the things I hear on a regular basis from friends, family, and other voices in my world.

Sadly there’s not a simple coverall answer, but I’m excited to be partnering with Find Your Influence –  an influencer platform that I work with on a regular basis for campaigns of all sizes – to help explain one aspect of what I do and how I do it.

The way it works: I set up a profile on FYI, they then partner me with brands that are interested in working with influencers. If a brand thinks that I’m a good fit for their campaign, I get an email notification discussing the specifics of the campaign (what am I providing, how much is the budget, when is it due, etc.). Then it’s my decision as to whether I think it’s a good fit for me. If I have any questions about anything, they have a team who’s there to help answer it as quickly as possible so I can focus on getting the work done as efficiently and effectively as possible.

It’s really that easy. There’s only a few steps. From this I’ve gotten to work with brands like Hudson, Zappos, Stacy Adams, Kenneth Cole, Sperry, and many others.

Why I love it: The biggest reason I got into this business was because I love creating interesting content with which people can engage. Photoshoots, video productions, styling sessions…I love that stuff. Easily my least favorite part of this business is having to sell myself and take time for outreach. It’s not one of my natural strengths. Having FYI there to handle the outreach and directly offer me jobs lets me spend more time creating and less time cold-emailing brands in the hopes of working together.

If you’re an aspiring influencer or just looking for more opportunities to get paid to do what you love, I would highly recommend checking out Find Your Influence. Tell them Parker sent you!

Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me directly at!

About the author

I'm Parker York Smith, a curious dude still very much figuring everything out. I hail from the Midwest but have been dwelling in Los Angeles for the last few years being a pretty stereotypical west coast transplant. I'm a fashion geek, I love to walk (a LOT) and I do my best to find the bright side. I'm extremely excited about this blog and hope that (with some hard work and luck) it turns into what I believe it can. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please get in touch with me via my social networks (which can be found in the sidebar) or email me at

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