Heyoooo! Happy Friday guys, I hope everyone has some fun plans this weekend. Regardless of what you’ve got going on, I want to talk a little bit about building out.
Heyoooo! Happy Friday guys, I hope everyone has some fun plans this weekend. Regardless of what you’ve got going on, I want to talk a little bit about building out.
I had the pleasure of co-hosting a Made to Measure suiting event at the Combat Gent store in Santa Monica yesterday. If you’re not already familiar, Combat Gent is a menswear.
It’s Saturday!!! Hopefully that means you have some fun plans with friends or your significant other. Personally, when I’m going out on a Saturday I like to make it a.
For the longest time I stayed away from shirts and ties because they felt, well, boring. A plain ass suit with a plain ass shirt and a plain ass tie?.
One of the many reasons I love doing this blog is so that I can always make my opinions expressly known. I’m a natural born debater and having a forum.
I’m so excited about it starting to become fall! No more sweating through all of my clothes, no more dreading having to go anywhere because of it being so damn.
In case you missed it on IG, your boy just turned 30! It’s totally weird to say it out loud now that it’s official, but honestly it’s been more motivational.