
Fashion can be frustrating. It sucks when your favorite shirt finally dies out from too many washes. Even worse, when a piece you love shrinks or rips before it’s time because the quality isn’t great. A lot of brands tend to stress either quality or quantity. H&M, Zara, Forever21 and so on stress quantity with cool designs and crazy affordable price tags, which is great. Today, however, I want to tell you my thoughts on when to focus on quality rather than quantity.

Purchasing one quality piece instead of three pieces of lesser quality is usually a smart move. The nicer materials and design of the pricier piece will last longer and hopefully provide you with even more wears than the three other pieces did. This shirt from Taylor Stitch is one of my new favorite button ups. It’s a heavier oxford style design that’s built to be worked in. If you’re someone who works outside or in any kind of physical way, this is the perfect shirt for you. Even if you are someone who wears jeans and a button up to work, I highly recommend this shirt for it’s comfort and quality.

It took me years to subscribe to this ‘quality over quantity’ policy. I always used to bargain shop and buy up cheap pieces so that I would have a variation in my wardrobe rather than be stuck wearing the same three or four things. What I realize in hindsight is that it cost me more money in the long run to always be buying new things after they wore out than it would’ve to buy the more expensive one in the first place. I typically only wore the stuff that fit best anyway (which was the more expensive, better quality stuff).

If you’re on a budget, stick to the basics when it comes to quality. Don’t buy any of these cheap: denim, oxford/dress shirts, boots, sunglasses and suits. Spending a little bit of extra money on these categories will last you in the long run and none of them will ever go out of style.

Definitely check out Taylor Stitch for all kinds of awesome high quality pieces at www.taylorstitch.com.

What are some things you like to spend extra money on?

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About the author

I'm Parker York Smith, a curious dude still very much figuring everything out. I hail from the Midwest but have been dwelling in Los Angeles for the last few years being a pretty stereotypical west coast transplant. I'm a fashion geek, I love to walk (a LOT) and I do my best to find the bright side. I'm extremely excited about this blog and hope that (with some hard work and luck) it turns into what I believe it can. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please get in touch with me via my social networks (which can be found in the sidebar) or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com.

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