It’s the most wonderful tiiimmmeeee of the year!!! Sure, holiday season is cool and all, but when the temperatures first start to rise back into the 70s is my favorite.
It’s the most wonderful tiiimmmeeee of the year!!! Sure, holiday season is cool and all, but when the temperatures first start to rise back into the 70s is my favorite.
Enough already!!!!! This happens every year. I throughly enjoy myself during the summer months, taking full advantage of wearing shorts and t-shirts as often as possible. Then “fall” comes and all.
Yep, I did it. I’m wearing white pants after Labor Day. Come at me, fashion police! As I’ve said before, I certainly agree with the term that fashion rules are.
Way to go! You overslept and now you’re supposed to be somewhere. We’ve all done it, right? It’s one of life’s many inevitabilities, you just have to hope that you.
One of the many reasons I love doing this blog is so that I can always make my opinions expressly known. I’m a natural born debater and having a forum.
I’m so excited about it starting to become fall! No more sweating through all of my clothes, no more dreading having to go anywhere because of it being so damn.
In case you missed it on IG, your boy just turned 30! It’s totally weird to say it out loud now that it’s official, but honestly it’s been more motivational.
If you’re a living, breathing man under the age of 50 and you don’t own at least one plaid shirt, I’m pretty sure I know what you need to be.
Isn’t blue awesome? I mean that as abstractly as possible. The color is one of, if not the most common in the spectrum. Our world is covered in it, and.
Just like most of you, I get the majority of my fashion inspiration from magazines, the internet, runway shows and other people on the street. Every so often, however, I.
At this point, summer is in full swing. It’s starting to get hotter and hotter so the amount of clothes being worn is dwindling. Summer, as I’ve stated before, can.
Whoops! Your boy’s been slacking on writing blog posts. Not to fear. I’m back and will be pushing hard to get at least two up per week from here on.
As I’ve said before, one of my favorite things about fashion is that classics stay classic. Purchasing a piece that’s been in style since its creation is tough to beat. This classic M-65 Field Coat from Alpha Industries is the perfect example. It’s a technically designed military style coat that’s built for actual wear and tear. Stylistically it’s great because of it’s versatility, which is mainly what I want to focus on today…
One of my favorite things about fashion is that certain pieces never go out of style. A well-fitted black suit, a nice pair of brown brogues and a leather bomber.