Holiday season is upon us! That means you’re (hopefully) wrapping up loose ends at work or school before you go on holiday break, the time of year when you can kick back and do pretty much whatever you want! If what you want to do is take your significant other out on a nice holiday date (they deserve it), then I have a suggestion for you. Also, if you’re single, holiday season is perfect to ask out that guy or girl you’ve had your eye on. Odds are they’re feeling a bit lonely and are more likely to say yes!
My suggestion, dress up! If you wear a suit and tie to work every day, use date night as your opportunity to bust out those pieces of your wardrobe that otherwise typically just sit in the closet. If you dress casually at work, date night is a great chance to doll yourself up a bit more than usual. Your date will appreciate your effort and it will put you in a mood to enjoy yourself more so than if you wear something typical. I chose a simple black and maroon outfit that combines two simple colors but allows the maroon to really pop against the black. The jeans are Levi’s and I cut them around the ankle so the fraying adds a cool touch to the shoe area. The blazer is H&M. If you don’t have a comfortable black blazer, I’d highly recommend shopping for one or putting it on your holiday gift list. It’s a piece that can be combined with so many things and you’ll get a lot of use out of it. I love this v-neck button up shirt from AKA Clothing. It’s one of the out of the ordinary pieces that are fun to bust out on date night. I grabbed the infinity scarf because it matched and it covers the neck area where my shirt is open.
Finally, on date night, grab those shoes that say “this is a special night”. For me, that means I’m going for these Paul Evans NY Martin Wholecut oxfords. I love the oxblood color and the seamless design. They’re a perfect shoe to wear with a power suit or a slightly more casual outfit like mine. These shoes scream luxury, from the color pop to the Italian handmade quality. If you don’t own a really nice pair of dress shoes, I’d also recommend checking out Paul Evans and putting adding some to your holiday gift list. Hopefully someone really feels like spoiling you this year. The comfort level is something you won’t find at the big box stores and the design is tough to beat, in my opinion. They’re perfect for date night!
Basically put, if what you put on makes you feel special, you’re going to exude that same feeling to your date. Holiday season can be stressful between your annoying extended family, tricky weather conditions, money concerns, etc. Be sure that the special person in your life knows they’re special by properly dressing the part on date night.
Also, this whole look is full of pieces that would make great gifts. A simple blazer, a cool shirt that your person probably doesn’t have yet, a very functional scarf for the remaining winter months, jeans in a color that’s unusual but very cool and high end dress shoes. Also, the socks from Richer Poorer, an LA based brand making very cool socks for everyone. Any guy will get a bunch of great use out of anything on that list.
What are some of your favorite date night go-to’s??
Stay smiling, my friends!