I absolutely love fashion. I know…duh, right? But seriously. Not only are there constantly new ideas and trends being introduced, some of which stick for longer than others (cough, parachute pants, cough), I also love it so much is because of the cyclical nature of the space. Certain styles will get re-introduced every so often with modern adjustments and it creates a constantly evolving structure. Fashion is pretty deep stuff if you let yourself get into it, haha!

One such piece I’m discussing today is the “Cuban” style collared shirt. These are also often called “Revere” collars, too. It’s a classic design that was extremely popular in Cuba and made it’s way to the US in the 1950’s. What sets it apart is the small lapel style collar under the normal collar. Right around the collar bone. The style had fallen from grace, typically only worn by bowlers and Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men.

ASOS has brought a lot of different cuban style collared shirts back in slimmer, modern cuts and interested designs and colors. I’m showcasing three of them for you today. Let’s do it!

Black and Classic

If you’re ever at a loss in terms of where to start with an outfit. Hop on Google and type in “1950’s mens fashion”. It’s probably going to be a lot of suits and hats, but when you find the casual styles, they’re a perfect template for something you can build upon. This black and gold sateen shirt is super vintage and SO cool. I love the way it falls and how the fabric has a bit of a shine.

When styling a black shirt, your safest bet is always to wear some black pants. Other colors can definitely work, but you have to be careful with a shirt like this because it’s easy to slip into “Dad style”. The black jeans and classic Clubmaster style shades create the vintage aesthetic but also are modern enough to work really nicely.


Another tip for fashion in general is to learn where something comes from (as stated above, Cuba, in this case), and just go for a similar look that you’d find there.

The classic ribbed tank, white denim or linen pants, and your shirt fully unbuttoned is a move that’s been pulled by most every style God for the last 100 years. It’s a perfect way to stay casual and cool while also allowing yourself the opportunity to be formal enough for an afternoon party.

Contrast the base layer of your look with a different colored shirt, as I did with the blue ASOS wave shirt here.

Christian from Clueless

One of my all time favorite style aesthetics is the casual 1950’s Dad. “Casual” wasn’t anything close to what it is now. It essentially meant anything other than a suit and tie. If you look back at photos, you’ll often see guys with their shirts tucked in but almost completely unbuttoned. If you’ve seen Clueless (has anyone NOT seen Clueless?) you’ll remember Christian having that old school style. Something about it is so effortlessly cool so I had to mimic it. A shirt in an off shade of pink is pretty on trend right now. I like it because it works great as a layer piece as well under a jacket.

Combine the high waisted khakis, tuck your shirt in and you’re on your way. It’s an homage to a simpler time, but you’ll be feeling anything but simple.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on the Cuban collared shirt and these looks! Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com!
*All three of these shirts were provided by ASOS. As always, I wouldn’t be showcasing them if I didn’t love them myself. Highly recommend them for trendier pieces and staples alike!

About the author

I'm Parker York Smith, a curious dude still very much figuring everything out. I hail from the Midwest but have been dwelling in Los Angeles for the last few years being a pretty stereotypical west coast transplant. I'm a fashion geek, I love to walk (a LOT) and I do my best to find the bright side. I'm extremely excited about this blog and hope that (with some hard work and luck) it turns into what I believe it can. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please get in touch with me via my social networks (which can be found in the sidebar) or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com.

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