*this post is in partnership with Sperry, but as always, I’m giving you my honest opinion As I’m sure anyone could imagine, becoming an iconic piece of fashion history is.
*this post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, if I didn’t enjoy it myself I wouldn’t be talking about it! As I’ve gotten old…er, one of the things that.
Here’s my latest video showing you 5 ways to style brown boots. They’re easily one of the most versatile shoes during fall and winter so knowing a few different ways.
*This post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, I’m only sharing because I’m a big fan myself Let’s begin with this – anyone who doesn’t already know, I’m obsessed.
*this post is in partnership with Kenneth Cole, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it with you if I didn’t think it was worth it! More often than not.
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Some of my earliest memories include me crawling around by my Dad’s feet. Guess what shoes he.
DAY Considering the fact that life only seems to be getting busier, I wanted to showcase how important I think footwear choice can be. Today I’ve partnered with Cole Haan and ShopRunner to showcase.
*sponsored by Zappos For whatever reason, I sometimes shy away from certain things because they seem a bit too…I don’t know…mainstream? Maybe it’s the LA hipster in me, but it’s.
*sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I’m in a mood to try something new. It’s fun to do because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and I can find out.
For as long as I can remember, watches have been something I enjoy. The classic digital watch is where I got my start as a kid, then I transitioned into.
Not sure about you, but up until recently I equated dress shoes with high levels of style but low levels of comfort. The most classic men’s shoe in the game.
*this post is sponsored by Zappos How would you like to learn something new? I hope your answer was yes. Did you know that the optimal body temperature is 37.5.
Disclosure: this post is sponsored by Jewelers Mutual Insurance Group, but as always, if I didn’t love it I wouldn’t be sharing it. I’ll start this post off with complete.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, everybody!! The holidays are looming just around the corner and that means it’s time to engage gift mode, ASAP. Don’t be a.
I was recently hit up by Casestation, an awesome brand that specializes in mobile accessories. Phone cases, Apple Watch bands, charging cables…pretty much whatever you need to stylize your digital.
During fall, shoe choice becomes more important than the rest of the year. It might be hot, but then what if it rains? Maybe it’s cold, and suddenly starts to.
As fall (slowly) creeps into our lives, (Honestly, it feels like it’s been in the high-80’s and low-90’s for months and I’m so ready for it to be over) the.
Oh jewelry…how I love thee! If you’re new to the accessory game, then you’ve come to the right spot. Not only will we be talking about the different types, but.
I’m not sure about you but I find shoe choices during the summer and early fall to be a bit frustrating. I’m not always in the mood for sneakers, I.
If you’re reading this while sitting on top of a wallet that’s three inches thick, filled with receipts from the early 2000’s, then you’ve come to the perfect place. The.
Anyone’s who’s remotely familiar with fashion understands that there are trends and fads. MC Hammer pants, JNCO Jeans, and retro sports jerseys are just a couple of examples from the.
A lot of us have certain things that just seem to stick in our brains. Whether it be a new toy, a piece of tech, a watch, a certain pair.
Why hello! It’s summertime and for me that means accessories. With summer fashion being mainly pretty basic, I like to spice things up with fun surrounding pieces. One of THE.
One of, if not THE most essential accessory during the summertime are sunglasses. They protect your eyes, they keep you from getting headaches from squinting too much, and if you.
If you don’t already know, I’m obsessed with white sneakers. I grew up loving them and nothing has changed…well it used to be Air Force Ones. They’re one of the.
I got some new glasses! As someone with absolutely awful eyesight, glasses are an essential part of my life. I can’t see two feet in front of me without some.
I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned it before, but my eyesight is GARBAGE! It’s a hereditary trait that I most certainly inherited from my Mom, but I’m not mad about it..
The holidays are a beautiful time of year, no doubt. They’re also insanely stressful. The traveling alone is enough to give me nightmares. We always travel during the holidays.
For as long as I can remember (ok fine, like a year), I’ve been in search of a luxury weekender bag. Considering I’m shooting, quickly traveling, and just generally out of.
It’s about that time! Get it? Hilarious jokes aside, let’s take a minute to discuss the wide world of watches. It’s pretty easy to get your hands on a great.
I’m not sure about you but shit has started to get a little crowded over here in my neck of the woods. When I say crowded, I mean in the.
Fall weather means a few things, one of them, and probably my favorite is jacket weather! Ever since I was old enough to be aware, I’ve been jacket obsessed. Something.
Easily one of my favorite things about summer is the ability to bust out a lot of fun accessories. One of the best (and most important) pieces in my wardrobe.
Fashion is great. It’s a direct representation of yourself, guys. You can be whoever you want to be by dressing with intention. Today I want to talk about embracing your inner grown-man. I’m the type of person who can seem…
One of my favorite things about doing this blog is getting the opportunity to talk to other guys about fashion. Sometimes it’s guys who are more involved and know more than I do, sometimes it’s guys who have been inspired by my stuff and are looking to get their feet wet. The latter is so awesome for me, not only because…
I admit it! I can sometimes be a bit of a slob. I know I’m pretty good at presenting myself as a pretty little package on the blog but it’s not always indicative of the true me. Truth is, I’m busy. Work, school, girlfriend, friends, family…they all take time. When your day is as full as it seems it possibly can be…
My Dad taught me years ago that a man’s watch says a lot about him. At the time I thought he sounded like a typical old dude but over the years I’ve definitely understood more and more of what he meant. A watch is an extension of your self. If you’re wearing a big chunky Rolex, I’m going to make an assumption about your personality. Also, if you’re wearing a calculator Timex, I’m going to learn a lot about who you are…
It’s been a couple of weeks since I got my latest tattoo (pictured above). I wanted to let it heal up before I showed it off to you guys and explained why I choose to “stay curious.” I like to consider myself a pretty avid reader. I missed out on the reading bug as a lazy kid who would’ve rather hung out with friends or played Nintendo 64 so I figure I have a lot of catching up to do. Most recently, I buzzed through “A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life” by Brian Grazer. Grazer is a HUGE Hollywood producer…
If you didn’t already know, I’m originally from Cincinnati, OH. I’m VERY proud of my hometown. I’m a diehard local sports fan, foodie and overall lover of all things 513. Any chance I get to work together with a brand in general is exciting, but today I’m extremely excited to discuss my collaboration with Frameri, a Cincinnati-based…
Having had an awesome Memorial Day weekend, I wanted to show off a new thing I’ve been trying lately, the summer scarf. I think it’s safe to say that the weather has turned for the better in the majority of the USA by now. Summer can be tough because once it gets very hot, all I want to do…