Congrats! You’ve made the decision to start transforming your life for the better. Getting in shape is more popular than ever and for good reason. It’s no longer about getting.
Congrats! You’ve made the decision to start transforming your life for the better. Getting in shape is more popular than ever and for good reason. It’s no longer about getting.
Fitness is a complicated business. They say that it’s 80% diet. That means that no matter how hard you work in the gym, if you don’t focus your attention on what your eating, the hard work and time you’re putting in will be wasted. Well I’m here to disagree with that to a certain extent. I think that eating healthy…
If you’re interested in making fitness a regular part of your life, I’m a firm believer that you need to look the part. Whether you’re already in good shape or not, there’s great workout clothing options out there. Dressing the part at the gym is no different than doing so at the office. You wouldn’t show up to work in…
Music, as I’m sure it is with a lot of you, is ESSENTIAL to my workout experience. Without the right tunes playing in my ear I easily lose motivation and therefore have a much less effective workout. In the past I had often gotten frustrated with my Apple earbuds when it came to working out because the cord…
Running and jogging are easily the most popular forms of exercise. They’re a great stress and calorie burner, and whether you’re an ultra marathoner or a person who thinks 3 miles is a milestone (me), having the right running shoes will make or (literally) break you. Running shoes have gotten to be expensive…
So you say you want to get in shape but consistently find yourself hiding behind the excuse of time, eh? Join the club. Working out is downright annoying sometimes, I know. It takes up a lot of time that could be spent doing more fun or productive things, right? Not anymore! My friend Nathan introduced me to this new 7 Minute Workout app and it’s honestly helped out so much…
For me, one of, if not THE most difficult thing to deal with when working out is motivation. Without the proper motivation your workouts will be less effective and may not even happen at all. Regardless of when I’m planning on squeezing in my day’s workout, I have to make a mental arrangement and stick to it. Otherwise my motivation goes out the window…
I started working out for the first time at age 14 when I was a freshman in high school. We had mandatory strength sessions in order to prepare us for tryouts for the football team. It was the first time I was introduced to fitness. The workouts mainly consisted of following a pre-set order of lifts…
For years, I would approach my workouts and fitness with a very lackadaisical attitude. What I hadn’t begun to understand was that fitness needs to be approached in the same.
So it’s that time again, Fitness Friday, the last day before the weekend and your best opportunity to sweat out the stress of the week and set yourself up for a fun and productive two days off! I wanted to take a minute to shout out CORE POWERRRRR!!!!! It’s arguably the most important area of fitness and it often gets overlooked…
When doing cardio building outside, I like to find an open stretch of street, sidewalk or field and bust out some sprints. I know that sounds outrageous, but they don’t have to be all out, 100%. You can build up to that. Run a 10 second sprint and rest for 30-45 seconds afterward and start again. Run 10-15 sprints and your heart rate…