I know you’re (probably) not a priest, but I have a confession to make. It has been a long running fantasy of mine to have matching shoes with my girlfriend. You know that I already have a freakish obsession with shoes on my own, but something about having a matching pair with my s/o is so attractive to me. Over the years, the desired matching style has gone from Air Force 1’s to Jordans to Timberland boots to Chuck Taylor’s to a long list of other options but the trigger had never been pulled. Until now!
Greats Brand (www.greats.com) has popped up on the blog and on my Instagram several times since I discovered them in early 2015. They’re easily one of my favorite shoe brands because of their classic styles, quality materials and insanely awesome pricing. Since their establishment, Greats had only catered to men, but as they’ve continued to grow in popularity, they’ve decided to let the women in on the awesomeness. Some of their most desired styles are now available in sizes down to a men’s 4, which translates to a women’s 6.
I like to think outside the box when it comes to holiday gifts. Show me a man who buys his Valentine flowers and a box of chocolates and I’ll show you a lazy man. This year, I picked up a pair of the Wooster slip on sneakers in black for Jaclyn because she’s been so envious of my different styles of Greats. They’re simple, elegant and super comfortable. Maybe it was jealousy, but I couldn’t resist having these be the shoes to finally satisfy my fantasy so I got myself a pair too! For the price, you’re not going to find a better buy when it comes to a shoe as versatile as these.
Most girls love shoes, dudes. If you’re looking for a last minute V-Day gift I’d highly recommend checking out Greats lineup. She’ll be flattered that you want to match her, you’ll get some awesome new kicks…it’s a Valentine’s Day miracle!
Click here to check out Greats Brand! Tell ’em Parker from The Looksmith sent you.
Stay smiling, my friends!