Raise your hand if you’re attending either a family party or a “Friendsgiving” party. Ok, raising of hands was a bad idea, but you get the point. Most of you probably raised them, right?
It’s a huge holiday for spending time with family and listening to your uncle rant about politics more than you’d like to subject yourself to. Well, one thing that I realized a few years ago was that in order to have the best possible Turkey Day, you’ve got to have the right attitude and the right ammunition to set yourself up for success. That’s why I’m letting you in on a little secret….don’t bring food, bring booze.
I’ve partnered up with Purity Vodka to talk about how important it is to come correct to your holiday party this year. In the past, I’d be willing to bet that you probably show up with the bare minimum so as to not seem rude. You grab whatever red wine is on sale at the grocery store or maybe a six pack of Heineken’s because Benicio Del Toro made them look good in a commercial. You’ve been screwing it up all this time by not bringing booze.
Vodka is the perfect addition to a holiday meal. It’s mild in flavor so you can drink it with anything, it mixes into TONS of different cocktails so there’s something for everyone, and the buzz it provides makes you way more tolerant of your grandfather’s football prognostications.
Personally, I drink mine on the rocks with either an orange twist or no garnish at all if it’s good quality like Purity. Also, if there’s anytime of the year to kick back with your grandma and indulge in a couple of martinis, this is it! Plus the fact that you’re supplying is going to have lots of people thankful and impressed.
In order to maximize your holiday enjoyment, Purity and I have also teamed up with Orrefors, a French crystal company that creates some of the finest quality glassware you’ll find, to give away a set of these old fashioned glasses. Whether you need some for your home bar or are still looking for a great gift idea, you should definitely enter. All you have to do is head over to my Instagram page, like the photo of me holding my glass, follow my page, Orrefors, and Purity Vodka, then tag someone in the comments of my post. Every tag is one entry!
Cheers, guys! It’s the time of year to be thankful for what we have, so ensure that you have the best possible option to bring to your holiday soiree and once your Aunt starts grilling you about when you’re gonna find a husband or wife, you’ll be happy you followed my advice.
Thank you again to Purity Vodka and Orrefors for sponsoring today’s post! Good luck in the giveaway. I’ll be drawing a winner next week.
Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com!