Search Results For : Zappos

*this post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, if I didn’t enjoy it myself I wouldn’t be talking about it! As I’ve gotten old…er, one of the things that.

*This post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, I’m only sharing because I’m a big fan myself Let’s begin with this – anyone who doesn’t already know, I’m obsessed.

*Sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I get so sick of wearing jeans. Sure, they’re amazing and versatile and super classic, but they just simply get old sometimes. Thankfully designers like Hudson.

*Sponsored by Zappos Wearing all black is something that I wasn’t comfortable with for a long time. It felt goth. It felt depressing. Then I started getting more comfortable with being.

*sponsored by Zappos For whatever reason, I sometimes shy away from certain things because they seem a bit too…I don’t know…mainstream? Maybe it’s the LA hipster in me, but it’s.

*sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I’m in a mood to try something new. It’s fun to do because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and I can find out.

*sponsored by Zappos Every so often, a fashion find happens and you get a refresher on why you love clothes so much to begin with. This happened to me recently.

Sponsored by Zappos One of the best parts about learning to understand fashion is that you start to understand how to take things you’ve always worn and make them look.

*this post is sponsored by Zappos How would you like to learn something new? I hope your answer was yes. Did you know that the optimal body temperature is 37.5.

*Sponsored by Zappos I’m sure you remember corduroys, right? That striped pant that you probably wore a lot of growing up and then just sort of naturally faded away from..