One of the many reasons I love doing this blog is so that I can always make my opinions expressly known. I’m a natural born debater and having a forum to post my thoughts is about as therapeutic as it gets, for me at least.
Today I want to talk about the term “dressy”. It’s such a weird word to me because its developed into an antonym for casual, which I don’t like. The real antonym for casual is formal. Dressy, to me, is anything that isn’t sloppy. Shorts, tees, sneakers, baseball caps and backpacks, all of which are pretty traditionally casual items, can be dressy if worn with the right surrounding cast.
What I mean by this is by taking a simple t-shirt, like this heather gray v neck from Sharply and wearing it with some accessories, dark coated denim and some dress shoes, all of a sudden I’m wearing something that could easily pass as “dressy”, yet I’m also still pretty darn casual (aka comfortable).
If you’re a guy who doesn’t feel comfortable in a certain type of clothes that all of your friends wear, don’t force yourself into wearing them! Round peg, square hole ring a bell? Be smart about how you dress yourself and all of a sudden you’ll be simultaneously unique and comfortable in your look.
Shop the look: