It’s a beautiful thing when you can feel good about buying yourself something, isn’t it? More and more companies are adopting the Toms Shoes model and donating a percentage of their proceeds to a good cause. This is the case for Fello Eyewear, a sunglasses brand that donates a percentage of every sale to VOSH International, an organization committed to providing quality eye care to impoverished countries around the world.
I’m not typically an aviator shades type of dude. They’re fun but oftentimes I feel a bit Baywatch-y in them. Since I had these to style, I figured why not just embrace the whole vibe and dive in? Sometimes it’s fun to build a look as a total homage to fashion classics. The 50’s greaser style is one of my all-time favorite looks. It’s dirty but still somehow super clean. It’s sexy in that “I woke up like this” kinda way. Therefore I decided to grab my black leather jacket and work my way in.
If you don’t already own a denim shirt, dudes, get on board! A good one is so comfortable and versatile. It works with a suit, a sweater and chinos or a casual look like this. I love that mine matches my pants, to create a whole cohesive look under the leather jacket.
Remember, I’m here to help you learn and build out your own personal sense of style, so I urge you to always try and put your own spin on things! Here’s how I made this look my own…
Since I like to stray a bit from the norm of an entire look, so I grabbed these new Lunarcharge Nikes rather than some boots or dress shoes. It’s a nice way to stay comfortable during the day and feel like I’m putting my own little twist on things.
Shoes are always a fun way to switch things up. If you’re in a casual suit, reach for some simple sneakers or even a boot as opposed to a classic dress shoe. If you’re in a super casual jeans and t-shirt outfit, bust out some dress shoes or fancy boots to kick things up a notch!
Hope everyone has a great Monday! Don’t forget to check out Fello Eyewear for great styles and a great cause!
As always, I’d love to hear your thoughts on this look or answer any questions you may have. Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at!
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