Perhaps you already saw on my Instagram or Facebook, but I had some exciting news come through the pipeline this week. I’ll be joining Gent’s Lounge as Senior Editor of their brand new website. If you’re not already familiar, Gents Lounge is a duo of fashion influencers, Blake Scott and George Laboda. They have an awesome YouTube channel (Gents Lounge YouTube) that discusses all things Gent, whether that be fashion, cocktails, grooming or otherwise.
The new website is an extension of the GL brand. We’ll be creating all sorts of awesome content for your enjoyment. Blake and George both have awesomely dapper style so I hope to bring a bit of the casual, west-coast flair to the group. We want to have something for everyone. It will be a great destination for learning about style, reading about the latest trends, date night ideas, cocktail reviews and essentially anything else a modern gentleman would be interested in reading or watching. I’ll consistently be looking for new contributors to the site, so if you have any ideas or interest in getting involved, please find me on social @parkeryorksmith or email me and let’s discuss!
In the GL spirit, I went ahead and got a little dapper for today’s post. I’m rocking this month’s box of accessories from Harrison Blake Apparel (@wearlapelpins on IG). They create a box of 1 tie and 4 other accessories each month for only $25. It’s a great way to start building your options for new ties, bracelets and pocket squares without the hassle of shopping and overpaying. Definitely recommend checking them out.
Please be sure to check out the Gent’s Lounge website and YouTube! Don’t be afraid to interact. We love talking to guys of every level, whether you’re a professional tailor or a high school dude wanting to improve your fashion sense. Don’t be shy!
Stay smiling, my friends!