It’s been a couple of weeks since I got my latest tattoo (pictured above). I wanted to let it heal up before I showed it off to you guys and explained why I choose to “stay curious.”
I like to consider myself a pretty avid reader. I missed out on the reading bug as a lazy kid who would’ve rather hung out with friends or played Nintendo 64 so I figure I have a lot of catching up to do. Most recently, I buzzed through “A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life” by Brian Grazer. Grazer is a HUGE Hollywood producer (check out his IMDB page here, insane career) who wrote a book about his experiences with, what he calls, curiosity conversations. Essentially these conversations are a block of time (20 minutes+) where, in the past, he’s sat with the likes of Michael Jackson, Jacques Cousteau and President Obama and basically just talked. Grazer highly stressed the concept that curiosity is the basis of knowledge and that by maintaining a healthy level of curiosity in life, you’ll make yourself a more well-rounded and happier person. Maybe it’s just because of my love for films, especially many of Grazer’s, but his theories resonated with me strongly enough to permanently remind myself to stay curious. I highly recommend the book (click here to check it out on Amazon), whether you’re just looking for cool Hollywood stories or for a piece of motivation for your every day life.
Considering the placement of my new tattoo, I wanted to show off my new copper bangle and coordinate necklace from Shelton Metal ( The coordinates are my hometown of Cincinnati! He custom makes them for you, so cool! They have awesome handmade pieces for very affordable prices. Great for a guy looking to introduce himself into the accessories game.
Also showing off my new custom monogrammed boots from Bed-Stu. Pretty cool touch having my initials on them right?? Get your pair customized at their new Malibu brick and mortar store. Really cool space, great people, check them out!
What inspires you on a daily basis? Any quotes or anecdotes that you live by??
Stay smiling, my friends!