Hair can be a frustrating thing for guys. Some guys have more hair than others. There are tons of different products or treatments out there to help you control frizz or make your hair grow particular way as stated in What I’ve found works best for me is to always try new things, whether that’s products or ways in which I go about styling my hair.
Today I’ve teamed up with one of my new favorite brands, got2b, to teach you guys a bit about how I go about achieving different hairstyles. I figured it would be easiest to just show you the finished product and tell you how I get there, that way you can decide which works best for you. I styled all of these using got2b products.
Here are some examples of haircuts that we have available here at Men’s hair cut boca. We hope that you find what you are looking for, and remember, if you find yourself unsure on which one would look better on you just ask us while you’re with us! We’ll be glad to help you look your best.
Clean Cut
The perfect look for the office or a slightly more formal event, like a wedding, a clean cut style is always reliable. As soon as I get out of the shower and towel dry my hair, I add in a bit of the got2b PhenoMENal cream and comb my hair with a pretty fine toothed comb and curl hair. Then I let it dry for about 25-30 minutes and add in a bit of the grooming wax as a finisher. The wax is what gives it the extremely clean look in combination with the fine toothed comb, because it holds all of the hair in place as opposed to letting it do it’s own thing and get messy.
Clean/Messy Hybrid
It’s not totally messy, but it’s not totally clean. This is a fun look for a weekend night out or anytime you don’t need to be extremely worried about looking too formal. Similarly to the clean cut above, as soon as I’m out of the shower I use a dab of the PhenoMENal Cream throughout my hair. Then I comb it with a slightly wider toothed comb to leave some room for air to get into my hair and let it dry for 20 minutes or so (if you’re crunched for time you can use a blowdryer, but it won’t allow your hair to thicken up quite as much this way). Once it’s close to dry, take a tiny but of the molding paste and run it through your hair, messing it up just a tad so it will hold but also not go crazy.
Beach Blown
I’ve started to really love wearing my hair a bit messier than I ever had in the past. I used to think that messy just meant waking up and working with whatever happens, but now I realize that with the right product you can actually create a messier look. Something like this is great for a daytime BBQ or something that’s totally care free and fun. After your shower, use a bit of the molding paste and run it through your hair with your fingers. Then comb your hair with a wide toothed comb. Let it dry for a bit and then add a bit more paste to solidify the certain areas you want to be messy and clean. Once it’s all dry, run your fingers through your hair several times to open it up and let some air in.
Intentional Bedhead
Lastly, sometimes it’s fun to fully embrace the artistic messy hairstyle. It’s that perfect blend of “did he or didn’t he do that on purpose?” For this look, after you’ve towel dried your hair a bit after a shower, take some PhenoMENal cream and run in through your hair. Don’t use a comb at all, which will let your hair do it’s natural thing and be a bit messy. Once it starts to dry, you can use a bit of the paste to ensure certain areas are where you want them to be. Ultimately, with a messier look, it’s mostly about letting your hair go where it wants while still remaining under some of your control. I have naturally wavy hair, so the curls will come if I don’t comb them out when my hair is a bit wet.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any questions about specific styling tips or how to achieve certain looks, don’t hesitate to reach out to me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at! Also, be sure to check out got2b for really great products that are also affordable. They have a TON of different stuff, so try a few different things and find what works best for your specific hair type.
*this post was in partnership with got2b