I admit it! I can sometimes be a bit of a slob. I know I’m pretty good at presenting myself as a pretty little package on the blog but it’s not always indicative of the true me. Truth is, I’m busy. Work, school, girlfriend, friends, family…they all take time. When your day is as full as it seems it possibly can be, organization is key. It’s one of my (ten thousand) 2016 resolutions to stay more organized and thankfully it’s been going pretty well so far. 13 days counts for something, right??
One of the biggest moves towards organization and productivity has been planning ahead and staying ready for whatever is thrown my way. When I wake up every morning I strategize where my day is likely to take me and I pack accordingly. This is my new “Man Bag, Dammit!” from the guys over at NutSac Bags (yep, those are the actual names, haha) and it has been a life saver as well as a resolution booster. It’s the perfect size for me. Not too big as to be obnoxious and too heavy yet big enough to hold my essentials. For a day’s work I’ll likely need a phone charger, sunglasses, a notebook and pen as well as a book for the in between times. All of this fit neatly into my Man Bag, Dammit with room to spare. Also, for you iPhone 6S+ and Samsung Note people, this is a perfect solution to no longer having to stretch out the pocket of your pants. It’s also a great fit for an iPad mini. Somehow it seems that every year of my life gets busier and busier, which is nice in some aspects, but it certainly helps to be able to take a moment to relax when I’m out and about because I know I have everything that I need.
Nut Sac Bags also offers two other sized bags as well as some really awesome disc golf bags. They’re made in America and are GUARANTEED FOR LIFE! The design and construction are totally manly (obviously, I mean I’m the pinnacle of manhood…yeah right) and I’d definitely recommend checking them out if you are in need of a midsize bag and/or an easier life.
Click here to check out Nut Sac Bags and the Man Bag, Dammit
Stay smiling, my friends!