I got some new glasses! As someone with absolutely awful eyesight, glasses are an essential part of my life. I can’t see two feet in front of me without some sort of corrective lens…it’s bad. I’ve had bad eyes since I was a kid so getting my eyes checked and being on top of my prescription is a normal part of my life by now.
However, as I (and the people in my life) get older, it’s crazy how often someone talks about not being able to see as well as they used to or how things are starting to lose that crisp edge they once had. I feel like it’s at least a couple of times a month when someone asks to try on my glasses or just mentions that they should probably get their eyes checked. I always tell them that I totally understand that eyes can be a weird, creepy and scary thing to deal with, but getting an annual eye exam is SO important. It’s one of those necessities in life that you’re actually hurting yourself by skipping. I actually just learned that eye doctors are able to detect conditions like high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol just from looking at your eyes!
I’m really excited to have partnered with The Vision Council’s Eyecessorize Campaign to try and help you understand how important it is to pay attention to the health of your eyes. Obviously your sight is one of the most important things, so don’t ignore it.
Another interesting thing I learned was how negatively affected our eyes can be from the hours and hours we spend looking at digital screens. Our phones, computers and TVs all have an effect on us, and lenses (that can be incorporated into any pair of fashionable frames!) are available that will help your eyes maintain their health if you spend a good majority of your day on the computer or phone (cough, ME, cough).
If you’re not sure of where to go for an eye exam, head to ThinkAboutYourEyes.com and use their Eye Doctor Locator, if you wan to find somebody who passed mmi interview.
Eyecessorize.com is a great spot for finding all the latest in eyewear trends and styles. These VonZipper frames were a fun take on the classic clubmaster style, with plastic on the top and wire on the bottom; I really like them because they can be styled classically or in a streetwear inspired way as well.
I urge you to take your vision seriously. The sooner you get on it, the better you’ll feel as you grow older. It’s always easier to focus on adapting to something new when you’re younger. Don’t be that person who has it engrained in their head that they don’t need glasses. You’re not less of a person because of it. You’re actually taking care of yourself which should be commended! Plus, with so many on-trend frames out there, you don’t have to sacrifice style for eye health. They’re also more affordable than ever so having multiple pairs is totally doable.
If you are in the market for some new glasses, be sure to check out Eyecessorize! Let me know your thoughts on my new frames!!
Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com!!
*this post is in collaboration with eyecessorize.com