The classic Hawaiian-style button up shirt has made a major resurgence this season. This one from Tommy Bahama is absolutely incredible (if I do say so myself, haha). Classic and new brands alike are offering up their own designs and fits of the timeless style piece. Pulling one off can be a bit tricky if you’re not trying to look like a Dad on vacation, though. There are a few steps that I recommend following if you want to stay stylish while embracing this trend.
First, roll your sleeves. Even if it’s only once or twice, cuffing the sleeves adds a personal touch to the shirt and also a hint of badass. It shows off more of your arms and doesn’t allow for the billowy sleeves to flow in the wind. The more you’re able to create an air of “I meant to look like this”, the better.
Second, ditch the shorts. A shirt like this when combined with shorts is automatically going to make you look dorky. I’m sure there are exceptions out there, but to be safe I would always recommend wearing pants. I went with black jeans because of the stark contrast they provide. A shirt this bold should be surrounded by pieces that contrast it’s Dad-ness. Other do-able options would be raw denim or an off colored chino pant such as dark grey or dark navy.
Third, accessorize! Something else that’s going to set you apart from the Dad-ness are fun, modern accessories. I wore these “shapes” rings from Vitaly to increase my levels of contrast from the shirt. It’s a simple move that many people probably won’t even notice, but those who do will appreciate the added level of style. Also, the chunky black watch from MVMT is a great way to step away from the classic beach-vibe that the shirt provides.
Lastly, be shoe conscious. It would be easy to pair this shirt with some boat shoes or a slip on sneaker. In my opinion, that’s skating a bit too close to a typical nautical look and should be avoided. I like the black boots from Thursday Boots because they’re stylish on their own and, again, contrast the shirt. Sneakers or loafers work, but I’d stick to darker colors.
Ultimately, the lesson here is contrast. Be aware of your shirt’s statement to the world. It’s bold and fun, but when surrounded by darker, less-typical pieces, it makes things pop even further. Following these steps will allow you to look great and stand out without overdoing it. Don’t fear the Hawaiian shirt! Embrace it, just be aware of it’s surroundings.
Questions? Comments! Don’t be shy, hit me up in the comments or find me on social media @parkeryorksmith.
Stay smiling, my friends!