I’ll be the first to admit that it can be really easy to fall into patterns with my style. Certain types of pieces are more comfortable to me at certain times, so I end up just grabbing them more often. I’m a strong believer, however, that if you can have this awareness about yourself, it will be much easier to expand your style. Once you feel yourself slipping into a bit of a rut with what you’re wearing, make a bit of extra effort and push yourself into a new style or try to use a new piece in your looks.
The reason I mention this is because I’ve partnered with Origin Ties, a brand that is CRUSHING the dress accessory and shirting game, to discuss how you can freshen up your style by incorporating ties and other accessories in unexpected ways. Origin Ties has everything from neck ties, to pocket squares, to cold weather hats and gloves, to dress shirts. The ties are only $19, so you don’t have to use your Dad’s hand-me-downs anymore. Also, they offer a “Repricing Privilege” which states that if you feel like you overpaid for something, you can let them know and they will refund you a certain percentage of your purchase. It’s unlike anything I’ve seen from other brands. It’s basically a free insurance policy on your purchase.
I’ll be the first to admit that wearing a tie was never my favorite thing to do. I equated it to job interviews, stuffy meetings, and events that required that I dress up to a certain level. However, what I’ve started to realize is that throwing a tie into a non-traditional look can be really interesting. It’s a perfect way to add a bit of extra class and style to your looks, therefore differentiating you and stepping up your style level a bit.
Take the outfit pictured above, the brown corduroy pants, blue dress shirt, and brown suede bomber would’ve worked just fine on their own, but then when I add in this blue plaid tie it kicks things up a notch. The look without the tie would be something that a lot of other people could and would probably be wearing, whereas with the tie, you’re not taking yourself into an extremely formal area, but you are creating a vibe that is just a bit more classy. The addition will boost your confidence and absolutely get you noticed by that cute girl across the bar.
Even if your style tends to fall a bit more on the edgier side of the spectrum, you can still incorporate a tie in an interesting, comfortable way. In this look, I’m wearing all black and white with the black boots, black distressed denim, and black and white gingham plaid shirt. Then when you add in in the pop of color with this tie, you’re all of a sudden standing out a bit more and adding some extra flair to your look.
Don’t feel like you need to be dressed nicely to add a tie. Ripped jeans and some basic boots or sneakers are a perfect combination to make your look more casual and comfortable. Also, unbuttoning the top button of your shirt and loosening your tie knot is a great way to showcase that you’re intentional about your casual vibes. Roll your sleeves and enjoy yourself because you look great!
I’ve been dabbling a lot more in the “outdoorsy” world of styling so I wanted to be sure that I showed off a look that was inspired by it. If you prefer a comfortable denim shirt, combine it with some dress trousers, a chunky cardigan, and your favorite hat for a look that’s really comfortable and inviting but also still really stylish. Again, aside from this paisley tie, the colors I’m wearing are muted and earth toned. Adding in the brightness adds character and playfulness.
Most often, you can probably take an outfit that you would normally wear out on the weekend, sub in a dress shirt or something with an appropriate collar for a tie, and add in a tie. You’d be surprised by how many different looks can work this way. If you’re trying to impress your date, your boss, or just yourself, it’s a fun move to make.
Obviously I know that a tie works really well with a suit too, so I wanted to style one look this way. A lot of times I see people going out of their way to mismatch their tie and clothing but I’m actually a fan of matching the tie with the suit and letting the shirt, shoes, and socks mismatch. The blue tie is great and works really nicely with the blue suit. If you’re unsure of what tie to wear the next time you’re wearing a suit, consider matching with your suit and mismatching your shirt and accessories.
I hope that this was informative for you! Ties are such a classic piece but they’ve stuck around for hundreds of years for a reason. They’re a great way to individualize yourself. Be sure to check out Origin Ties for all of their stuff. The ties, the tie bars, the shirts, they’re all seriously good. The shirts fit me amazingly right out of the package, no tailoring or anything. Also don’t forget about their Repricing Rule if you decide that what you receive isn’t exactly what you want but you still think it’s a good idea to keep it.
Thanks for reading! As always, do it for you…not them!!
I also made a YouTube video about this if you’d like to watch it check it out HERE.
Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com!