Fashion is great. It’s a direct representation of yourself, guys. You can be whoever you want to be by dressing with intention. Today I want to talk about embracing your inner grown-man. I’m the type of person who can seem pretty serious in my everyday life. I think it’s because I like the feeling of getting things done. That being said, I still honestly enjoy dressing like a damned fool sometimes. Oversized, (likely) too tight and completely trendy are all things that could describe my outfits from one day to the next. On occasion, however, I really enjoy getting dressed in something that makes me look like a Dad…a Dad who looks good, if I do say so myself, haha.
Dressing well does not always mean being on top of the latest trends and fads. It’s about representing yourself in the best way possible. By sticking with classics, you may not necessarily turn any heads, but sometimes that’s a good thing. Proper fit and classic pieces will boost your confidence because they will guarantee that you’ll look good. Once your confidence is up, you can start making more bold moves and trust that you’ll pull them off. Classic fashion is a grown man’s game. It’s banking on a sure thing, not hoping for a win with something trendy.
Take this outfit for example. It’s a black polo, khaki chinos and black driving moccasins, that’s it. Three pieces that could easily look like a valet uniform but because they fit how they should it becomes a stylish, manly outfit. What takes things over the top for me are these classic aviator style shades from Randolph Engineering. They’re an American company that has been pumping out handmade military style sunglasses for decades. If you’re looking for a high quality, affordable pair of classic sunglasses, they’re tough to beat. It’s the shades that really add a pop of grown man to this otherwise school uniform of an outfit.
Just because you don’t have the money for the latest and greatest clothes doesn’t mean you can’t look good, guys. Find what fits and won’t make you look foolish in a year or two and buy it up. Classics = confidence. Confidence = happiness.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments!
Shop the look: Sunglasses: Randolph Engineering, Polo: H&M, Chinos: Zara, Shoes: Steve Madden