Although I try to pride myself on being able to wear a versatile range of clothes, it’s no secret that I’m much more naturally adept at casual. Standing out while staying comfortable has always been one of my golden rules. That being said, getting dressed up is an essential part of looking good. There will be a wedding, meeting, dinner or whatever that will come up and you’ll need to look nice. Here’s how to do it if you don’t identify as a dressy type dude…
Find the Right Suit
This chocolate brown chino suit from Combatant Gentlemen is awesome. It’s casual in its own right, but still looks nice. Plus it’s on sale for $112 bucks right now, and you can use code PARKERYORKSMITH to get an additional 15% off. I had mine tailored a bit, and you probably will need to as well, but it’s worth it.
The right suit is key because you’re not gonna want to get something ridiculously slim and high fashion if you’re not comfortable wearing a suit. A chino suit like this is a great way to keep one foot in your comfort zone. Be sure you wear boots with you to the tailor so they can figure out how to cut the ankle to still fit nicely over your shoe.
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Hopefully you’ve got a watch that’s reserved for nicer occasions, but if not, get one. Also, throw on a masculine bracelet or something on your other wrist, it’ll give your look a nice edge. I’ve also opted for a mustard pocket square that’s still in the same color family as my suit and a deer head lapel pin for another extra touch of masculinity.
Don’t Change TOO Much
Some of the most stylish people in history refused to deviate from their own personal tastes. If you’re going someplace that you need to wear a suit but it’s not on the level of black tie formal, feel free to wear your favorite denim or plaid shirt. Something to anchor you into the look and at least partially make you feel like you’re right at home is great for boosting your confidence and comfort.
Don’t Forget You’re a Boot Guy
Boots with suits is more acceptable than ever. Even if they’re your favorite pair of scuffed up shit kickers, feel free to rock em (I hope it’s obvious that you should clean the shit off first). Again, it’s all about making yourself feel as comfortable as possible while still looking great.
Final Thoughts
If you’re going someplace where a tie is necessary, grab one that’s simple and basic. Nothing too crazy. Also don’t worry about matching your pocket square.
Comfort within the confines of acceptable style is the name of the game, dudes. If you put on your outfit, look in the mirror and feel sloppy, then it’s probably smart to dress things up a bit. Otherwise, if your suit fits how it should, people will notice and appreciate your effort and attention to detail.
Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at
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Photography: @chrismichaelaaron