Why hellooooooo!!!
Welcome to my brand new segment, Fashion 101, where I’ll be discussing things that every guy needs to know when it comes to fashion knowledge. Having a solid base of knowledge about fashion is important. Dressing your best is going to make you look and feel amazing, therefore knowing how to do that is essential.
A lot of people talk about how breaking the rules in fashion is encouraged, which I agree with and subscribe to whole heartedly. However, in order to break the rules, you must first know what they are. There are certain moves that simply shouldn’t be made, regardless of how anti-establishment and punk rock they may be.
Today’s lesson is about matching.
Dudes, if you want to look good, never EVER break this rule. If you’re wearing black shoes, wear a black belt. If you’re wearing brown shoes, wear a brown belt. This may seem totally obvious, but I’m consistently shocked by how many guys I see breaking this rule and therefore making themselves look sloppy. The shades of brown or black don’t have to match exactly (although it’s awesome if you can buy a belt in the same leather as the shoe), just be sure you’re not wearing one with the other.
If you’re wearing any other color of shoe that isn’t a shade of brown or black, feel free to wear whatever color belt you want. But when it comes to these colors, match or die…seriously. No, it’s not that serious but just match em and know that you’ve made the first step in the process of looking your best!
Questions? Comments? Suggestions?! Find me on social media at @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com