*sponsored by Zappos
For whatever reason, I sometimes shy away from certain things because they seem a bit too…I don’t know…mainstream? Maybe it’s the LA hipster in me, but it’s something I’m trying to be more aware of and avoid so as to not lose out on the opportunity to experience something I actually end up really enjoying. This was exactly the case with Duck Boots. Then I got these Sperry Boots from Zappos and realized for the first time how foolish that whole idea of avoiding things is.
To me, a duck boot seemed like a Dad thing to wear. They’re big, they’re chunky, and just really Dad-ish. Also I live in LA, so I didn’t think they were necessary. Once I put these on I realized how awesome they are because of their ability to toss your cares to the wind.
I hope you know this feeling, but there’s just something about being totally carefree in your shoes. Whether it’s wet, dirty, dusty, muddy…having zero regard for the conditions and being able to just simply live is so freeing. That’s the freedom that a pair of boots like this can provide. They’re comfortable, they’re sturdy, and once I got used to seeing myself in them they actually feel really stylish.
Slim raw denim seemed like a good move because I wanted to embrace the outdoorsy vibe of the boot. I was comfortable in my white tee, so I kept it on and threw on a light wash denim button up shirt to contrast the jeans. I was kind of ready to only wear that because I felt like it worked with with the boots and was comfortable for me. Then I glanced in my closet at the jackets that I haven’t been able to wear in months and remembered how much I love to layer a button up with a jacket.
By keeping them both open and popping both collars, I add a bit of classic outdoorsy style and functionality (collars were originally popped to keep the sun off of your neck).
Oftentimes I’m guilty of thinking that a stylish outfit needs to re-invent the wheel, so to speak. It’s nice to be reminded that classic wardobe staples like these Sperry Boots from Zappos are classic for a reason. You can absolutely still create a really stylish look by surrounding the boots with contemporary moves. Ensuring that everything else fits slim and looks great, you’ll take a pair of Dad-ish boots and turn them into something totally current and interesting.
Don’t always feel like when you’re getting dressed you need to make exotically crazy moves to look good. Sticking with what’s in your wheelhouse and leaning into that is a perfectly acceptable move.
Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me directly at parker@thelooksmith.com!