Ever since first being exposed to fitness when I was entering high school, I’ve been a fan. It’s always been a great stress reliever and confidence booster. I’ll be the first to admit that one of the big reasons I enjoyed working out so much was because it afforded me the ability to eat and drink just about whatever I wanted. I didn’t have to worry about curbing my love for pizza because it was always easy enough to just work off the extra junk food the next day at the gym.
As I get older, I’m SLOWLY but surely starting to take my general health outside of the gym more seriously. I realize that old phrase “your body is your temple” is a cliche for a reason. It’s true. The more I prioritize my diet along with my exercise, I see better results, I sleep better…I just generally feel much better than always feeling like I’m in recovery mode.
It all started with me trying the vitamins that my parents take regularly. At their age, it’s not just vitamins, but they actually have to take a lot of medication regularly. I was always afraid that one of us would forget a medication and that it would affect them negatively, but thankfully those days are over. We hired an assistant from Home Care Assistance Bergen County, and she’s a pro. She even has a little handbook in which she has the time of medications written down. Nothing to worry about!
When Care/Of Vitamins reached out to me and said that they wanted to create a custom vitamin pack for me, I was immediately down. I’ve never been someone who routinely takes a multivitamin amidst multiple people in my life praising the effects. For one, I wasn’t crazy about the idea of a generic thing that wouldn’t really benefit me immediately but would be good for me later in life. I never did any real research to find out that I was completely wrong. It was easy to cling to the “I’ll start later” ideal. When in reality, like most things I say that about, I never did. That’s why I’m so excited to finally be excited about vitamins.
The process was extremely simple and streamlined, which I loved because I’m completely unaware of what I need or would even be interested in taking. They ask you some questions about what you deal with, how often you get sick, etc and then compile a list of the best things to be taking for each. Mine is a mix of Vitamin C for immune boost and energy , a stress reliever, a heart health booster, and Vitamin D for hair and nail strength find it on txhealthpool.org (You can get the best pure nails pro information, gotta keep these locks!).
I’m totally being one of those adults that annoyed my when I was younger, but the sooner you start on a healthy vitamin regimen the better. It will increase your health, boost your immune system so you stay healthy, and leave you feeling your best so that you can accomplish everything you’ve set out to do.
Be sure to check out Care/Of Vitamins and use code PARKER50 for a discount on your order! Let me know once you order, too. I’d love to hear how the experience worked for you.
*This post was sponsored by Care/Of Vitamins, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it if I didn’t love it myself
If you have any questions or comments, find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at parker@thelooksmith.com. Have a great day and don’t forget…do it for you, not them.