Search Results For : Classy

For me, one of the strangest things about aging is that I actually enjoy giving more than receiving. 15 years ago, had you asked me if I ever thought that.

Whoa whoa whoa…stop that. I see you shifting into fall fashion mode and going to put away your summer pieces. Pump the brakes for a second and let me explain.

Oddly enough I found myself invited to a luxury beach resort recently and realized I wasn’t sure what to wear. I didn’t want to dress too stuffy and feel uncomfortable.

This post is in partnership with Scarci Resort Wear, but if I didn’t love it, I wouldn’t be sharing it with you! Summmertiiimmmeeee and the linen is breezy! Whoa, that.

The bold short sleeve button up shirt has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years. From vintage Japanese prints to neon colored palm tree prints, there’s something for.

Happy Monday, everyone!! I hope you all had amazing, eventful, relaxing, fun, debaucherous, (insert descriptive weekend term here) weekends! Now that it’s Monday and time to start the week all.

These will have you covered…well, at least half of you. via Statement Trousers! When the weather is sticky and hot, it’s no fun to be a sweaty mess. It’s.

Judging from my own personal experience, summer wedding season is coming. Jaclyn and I are going to at least two, potentially three weddings this year and I’m sure a lot.

Valentine’s Day is on Tuesday! If you didn’t know that you’re either single or WAY behind. I know a lot of people consider V-Day a “Hallmark” Holiday that was made.

One of the hardest lessons for me to learn in fashion was the idea of quality over quantity. Basically put, it means that spending extra money on something that’s made.

So if you don’t follow my social media (you’re missing out), you wouldn’t know that I just got back from a trip home to Cincinnati for New Years! Jaclyn and.

Although I try to pride myself on being able to wear a versatile range of  clothes, it’s no secret that I’m much more naturally adept at casual. Standing out while.

I had the pleasure of co-hosting a Made to Measure suiting event at the Combat Gent store in Santa Monica yesterday. If you’re not already familiar, Combat Gent is a menswear.

For the longest time I stayed away from shirts and ties because they felt, well, boring. A plain ass suit with a plain ass shirt and a plain ass tie?.

Phelps has already won gold, which means the Olympics are in full swing. It’s a pretty exciting time in the USA, with flags and banners hanging from all sorts of.

‘Tis the season! If you haven’t already been attending weddings this spring, you surely will begin to very soon as the summer officially begins. I just got back from a.

Mondays, am I right?! For the majority of my adult life, I’ve struggled with Mondays. Even though I don’t necessarily work a traditional job with traditional hours, I do my best to get my work done during the day time so that I can relax and be a normal person in the evenings. Monday mornings and afternoons…

As I’ve said before, one of my favorite things about fashion is that classics stay classic. Purchasing a piece that’s been in style since its creation is tough to beat. This classic M-65 Field Coat from Alpha Industries is the perfect example. It’s a technically designed military style coat that’s built for actual wear and tear. Stylistically it’s great because of it’s versatility, which is mainly what I want to focus on today…

The dress shirt is one of the oldest and most widely produced pieces in the history of menswear. They’ve been worn by Kings, Presidents, Blues Brothers and many more. Having gone to private school throughout the majority of my youth, I became very familiar with dress shirts from a very young age. Itchy fabrics, tight and loose…