*in partnership with Walmart Believe it or not, I have some difficulty styling myself in shorts. I’ve spent years being self-conscious of my legs, thinking they were too skinny, and.
*in partnership with Walmart Believe it or not, I have some difficulty styling myself in shorts. I’ve spent years being self-conscious of my legs, thinking they were too skinny, and.
*Sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I get so sick of wearing jeans. Sure, they’re amazing and versatile and super classic, but they just simply get old sometimes. Thankfully designers like Hudson.
This Collaboration was sponsored by lululemon and Shopping Links but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it if I didn’t think that it’s awesome! Wearing a jacket is one of my.
As a former athlete, being a sports fan comes pretty naturally. Yet when you’re from Cincinnati, fandom can be a bit frustrating. The Bengals are wishy-washy, the Reds are whack,.
I recently got my hands on some denim from Jeansda, a Japanese denim company and I’m really excited to talk to you guys about my experience today. It’s something I’d been wanting to.
I’ve been chomping at the bit for the temperature in LA to drop below 80 degrees so I can make any excuse for myself to wear a sweater. I partnered.
Since moving to LA eight years ago I have immersed myself in the California lifestyle in many ways. I’ve “drank the kool-aid” as they say. Shit, I’ve probably chugged the.
*Sponsored by Zappos I’m sure you remember corduroys, right? That striped pant that you probably wore a lot of growing up and then just sort of naturally faded away from..
I absolutely love fashion. I know…duh, right? But seriously. Not only are there constantly new ideas and trends being introduced, some of which stick for longer than others (cough, parachute.
Wearing jeans in the summer can be annoying. It’s no fun to get too sweaty, the way they fit has to be just right because too skinny isn’t comfortable and.
Today I’m expressing my right to be basic. One of the most common issues I come across when I’m teaching guys about style is their lack of knowledge on where.
You can still look good without overdoing it with American Flags. Happy 4th of July! Hopefully you have some fun plans for today with friends and family. Whether it’s a.
The bold short sleeve button up shirt has exploded in popularity over the last couple of years. From vintage Japanese prints to neon colored palm tree prints, there’s something for.
When MR. PORTER reached out to me and let me know that 12 designers were creating collections inspired by the California lifestyle, I was PUMPED. Not only because I’m such a.
Face it, if you don’t already have some chelsea boots, you’re missing out. They’re comfortable, stylish, versatile, and just freakin’ cool! What other reasons do you need?? I just got.
Regardless of the current weather report in your neck of the woods, summer is coming! It’s like Jaws, except way less scary…and with less teeth. Come to think of it,.
One of the most fun things that happens to me is when I’m wearing an outfit and someone comes up to me, interesting in a specific piece I’m wearing and.
It’s the most wonderful tiiimmmeeee of the year!!! Sure, holiday season is cool and all, but when the temperatures first start to rise back into the 70s is my favorite.
I’ve been feeling too damn squeaky clean lately! For whatever reason, I’ve been naturally styling myself in a bit of a preppier, cleaner sort of way. I woke up in.
Here we are, yet ANOTHER Monday. As I’m settling into the everyday grind of running the blog I’ve become much more of a desk jockey than I ever imagined I.
One of the hardest lessons for me to learn in fashion was the idea of quality over quantity. Basically put, it means that spending extra money on something that’s made.
Five years ago, if you would’ve asked me if I’d ever wear a turtleneck again I probably would’ve laughed in your face. I wore a ton of them as a.
Although it seems the rainy weather we’ve been having in LA is FINALLY over, it’s still fresh on my mind. I know I’m a spoiled brat when it comes to.
Oh yeah, it’s denim on denim time. For understandable reasons, it can be an oddly intimidating outfit for a lot of guys. A lot of different types of dude have.
I’m a huge fan of sweatpants. They’re cozy, they’re warm and thanks to the explosion of Athleisure, tons of brands are making them with higher quality fabrics in slimmer designs..
“OMGGGGG!!! Alert the authorities!! It’s raining in LA!!!” – everyone in LA If you don’t already know this, people freak the F*CK out when it rains here. Considering it’s only.
It’s a beautiful thing when you can feel good about buying yourself something, isn’t it? More and more companies are adopting the Toms Shoes model and donating a percentage of.
Oh my goooodnessssssss!! I’ve done my first styling video to accompany my posts. Gonna try to start doing more video/vlog style stuff, so please CLICK HERE to check it out!.
Weirdly, one of the most confusing directions we can be given in fashion is the idea of “business casual”. Sometimes it means button up and chinos, sometimes it means jeans.
Quite often I get approached by someone either in my personal life or online who wants to have better style but is struggling with where to start. It’s an understandable.
It’s hard to believe that tomorrow is already Thanksgiving, but the facts speak for themselves. It’s time we all gather around the table, eat till we hate ourselves and then.
Enough already!!!!! This happens every year. I throughly enjoy myself during the summer months, taking full advantage of wearing shorts and t-shirts as often as possible. Then “fall” comes and all.
Yep, I did it. I’m wearing white pants after Labor Day. Come at me, fashion police! As I’ve said before, I certainly agree with the term that fashion rules are.
Way to go! You overslept and now you’re supposed to be somewhere. We’ve all done it, right? It’s one of life’s many inevitabilities, you just have to hope that you.
Fall weather means a few things, one of them, and probably my favorite is jacket weather! Ever since I was old enough to be aware, I’ve been jacket obsessed. Something.
Heyoooo! Happy Friday guys, I hope everyone has some fun plans this weekend. Regardless of what you’ve got going on, I want to talk a little bit about building out.
One of the many reasons I love doing this blog is so that I can always make my opinions expressly known. I’m a natural born debater and having a forum.
I’m so excited about it starting to become fall! No more sweating through all of my clothes, no more dreading having to go anywhere because of it being so damn.
In case you missed it on IG, your boy just turned 30! It’s totally weird to say it out loud now that it’s official, but honestly it’s been more motivational.
If you’re a living, breathing man under the age of 50 and you don’t own at least one plaid shirt, I’m pretty sure I know what you need to be.
Isn’t blue awesome? I mean that as abstractly as possible. The color is one of, if not the most common in the spectrum. Our world is covered in it, and.
I was on my way to an event in Malibu last week and couldn’t resist pulling over to one of my favorite overlooks and snapping some photos. It’s been so.
Just like most of you, I get the majority of my fashion inspiration from magazines, the internet, runway shows and other people on the street. Every so often, however, I.
At this point, summer is in full swing. It’s starting to get hotter and hotter so the amount of clothes being worn is dwindling. Summer, as I’ve stated before, can.
The classic Hawaiian-style button up shirt has made a major resurgence this season. This one from Tommy Bahama is absolutely incredible (if I do say so myself, haha). Classic and.
A question I’m being asked more and more often is whether or not black and brown can be worn together. A lot of guys who aren’t necessarily “fashion forward” see.
Whoops! Your boy’s been slacking on writing blog posts. Not to fear. I’m back and will be pushing hard to get at least two up per week from here on.
Spring is a fun time for fashion. The weather is still fluctuating enough that you can wear a bunch of different types of pieces. One thing that I ALWAYS love.
If you’re a loser like me who isn’t going to Coachella this weekend, then I’ve got just what you need: Athleisure! If you haven’t heard the term, athleisure is a style of clothing that is suitable for working out or daily life. It’s well made, fitted and extremely comfortable. So many people were finding themselves…
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! NBA Playoffs are set to begin on Saturday and I am PUMPED! The way most guys get about March Madness is how.
As I’ve said before, one of my favorite things about fashion is that classics stay classic. Purchasing a piece that’s been in style since its creation is tough to beat. This classic M-65 Field Coat from Alpha Industries is the perfect example. It’s a technically designed military style coat that’s built for actual wear and tear. Stylistically it’s great because of it’s versatility, which is mainly what I want to focus on today…
So I want to start structuring these posts with a personal story and/or a lesson about how I became who I am stylistically. I’m finding that a lot of guys.
I’m continually amazed by the massive amounts of brands there are out there. The explosion of the Americana movement with quality materials made right here in the USA has forced brands to step their game up and produce at the highest level. A little bit of healthy competition is leading to some of the best constructed menswear that’s ever existed…
As the weather changes back to spring and summer again, I find myself leaning back towards a different style of shoe. Thankfully boots are an all-year thing but it’s definitely nice to have other options for the warmer months of the year…
One of my favorite things about fashion is that certain pieces never go out of style. A well-fitted black suit, a nice pair of brown brogues and a leather bomber.