*this post is in partnership with Sperry, but as always, I’m giving you my honest opinion As I’m sure anyone could imagine, becoming an iconic piece of fashion history is.
Here’s my latest video showing you 5 ways to style brown boots. They’re easily one of the most versatile shoes during fall and winter so knowing a few different ways.
*This post is sponsored by Zappos, but as always, I’m only sharing because I’m a big fan myself Let’s begin with this – anyone who doesn’t already know, I’m obsessed.
*this post is in partnership with Kenneth Cole, but as always, I wouldn’t be sharing it with you if I didn’t think it was worth it! More often than not.
JavaScript is currently disabled in this browser. Reactivate it to view this content. Some of my earliest memories include me crawling around by my Dad’s feet. Guess what shoes he.
DAY Considering the fact that life only seems to be getting busier, I wanted to showcase how important I think footwear choice can be. Today I’ve partnered with Cole Haan and ShopRunner to showcase.
*sponsored by Zappos For whatever reason, I sometimes shy away from certain things because they seem a bit too…I don’t know…mainstream? Maybe it’s the LA hipster in me, but it’s.
*sponsored by Zappos Sometimes I’m in a mood to try something new. It’s fun to do because it pushes me out of my comfort zone and I can find out.
Not sure about you, but up until recently I equated dress shoes with high levels of style but low levels of comfort. The most classic men’s shoe in the game.
*this post is sponsored by Zappos How would you like to learn something new? I hope your answer was yes. Did you know that the optimal body temperature is 37.5.
During fall, shoe choice becomes more important than the rest of the year. It might be hot, but then what if it rains? Maybe it’s cold, and suddenly starts to.
As fall (slowly) creeps into our lives, (Honestly, it feels like it’s been in the high-80’s and low-90’s for months and I’m so ready for it to be over) the.
I’m not sure about you but I find shoe choices during the summer and early fall to be a bit frustrating. I’m not always in the mood for sneakers, I.
Anyone’s who’s remotely familiar with fashion understands that there are trends and fads. MC Hammer pants, JNCO Jeans, and retro sports jerseys are just a couple of examples from the.
If you don’t already know, I’m obsessed with white sneakers. I grew up loving them and nothing has changed…well it used to be Air Force Ones. They’re one of the.