In case you missed it on IG, your boy just turned 30! It’s totally weird to say it out loud now that it’s official, but honestly it’s been more motivational than it’s been depressing. A lot of people have been saying “life begins when you turn 30” and I’m hoping that’s equal parts true and false. I say that because on one hand, as much as I always thought I’d want to be a kid, the idea of growing up and establishing myself as a real adult is pretty awesome. Yet, on the other hand, there are definitely certain aspects of adulthood that I’m not quite ready to start entertaining. Ultimately, I’m just gonna continue working hard and taking everything in stride. Who knows what life will bring and the mystery of everything is pretty great!
On to today’s post! I shopped around with Jaclyn on my birthday for the perfect shirt to wear to dinner and the bar that night and feel like I scored big time with this floral number from American Vintage on Melrose. I’m a firm believer in birthdays. A lot of people I meet (especially as they get older) start to care less and less about their birthday. I think it’s partly because of the fact that being reminded about how old you are isn’t all that fun once you get older, but also because they just simply don’t care to make a big deal of it any longer. I get that, but I also think that taking a day to celebrate yourself and allow yourself to feel special is extremely important. We all work hard. We deserve to feel like our hard work is paying off. This is why I wanted to get such a crazy shirt for my birthday party. It’s a fun way to showcase to the world that you’re in a great mood and you want to have fun, which is exactly what I did!
In terms of the rest of the look, I wanted to tone things down with some dark, comfortable denim and some comfortable shoes. I found both of these on sale at Topman. The Wallabe style shoe has been one of my favorites for years because of the versatility in style and the overall comfort. I scored these for $35 on sale! Check em out here. The jeans were also a huge steal at $35 as well. Check them out here. They’re stretchy and comfortable, both of which lend to a happier birthday boy.
Ultimately I think that embracing your inner weirdo and letting it fly on your birthday is a healthy thing to try. I’m not saying you need to go buy the loudest shirt you can find, but try something new for yourself. It’ll make you open up and feel excited about the times ahead. Also, if anyone talks shit to you about what you’re wearing on YOUR birthday, they’re an asshole and you don’t need to be friends with them anymore.
Questions? Comments? Find me on social media @parkeryorksmith or email me at!