Eating right is the most important thing we can do, but it’s not always easy…
Clean eating will have you looking, feeling, sleeping, living better! Obviously I think most of us would readily accept all of those things, so why don’t we all eat a perfectly healthy diet and reap the benefits? It’s tough. It’s no fun always eating extremely clean. Money can be an issue, as it’s seemingly a lot more expensive to eat healthy. Also, there’s just something about sour gummy worms, right??
When on diet, it is important to get enough nutrition to keep you healthy and strong. Nutrition is crucial for your teeth as well. If you are struggling to find a good dentist, contact a cosmetic dentist in Kennesaw to schedule a check-up. Remember that it’s much easier to prevent a problem, than to deal with it later on.
The great thing about this is that there can be a happy medium between being a total health nut and eating like a slob. By straddling that fence, we’re able to keep our energy levels up and remain healthy for the majority of the time, but also still indulge in a big steak and a loaded baked potato every so often.
Here are five small adjustments you can be making to work towards becoming a healthier, better you!
Take a moment and catalogue what provides you with the majority of your daily calories, along with the kind of diet that you take. There also are comparisons collated at for one in need of the right kind of diet. If you’re heavier on meat, then be sure you’re spending a bit of extra money on sheep casings and buying grass-fed beef or cage-free eggs and chicken. You can stick to the normal produce products rather than also buying organic. If you’re primarily a vegetable eater, you’ll want to splurge on organic produce as it’s going to be much easier for your body to reap the benefits from organic.
One of the toughest times to eat healthier is lunchtime. If you’re an office person who likes the social aspect of getting out of the building and eating with everyone, start a trend where everyone packs their lunch and you all go eat it outside someplace. As others see you starting to look and feel better, they’re gonna want a part of that action. You could even start a competition to see who can pack the healthiest, and most delicious lunch.
If you think about it, the grocery store is set up in a very intentional way. The edges of most stores contain the most natural, healthy foods, whereas when you get into the middle of the store and the freezer aisles, you’ll encounter much more processed junk food. Do your best to shop regularly so you can stick to the outer edge of the store and only buy the things that are going to go bad within a coupe of weeks. If something is able to go bad in less than a few weeks, it’s a lot more natural than something that stays good until 2021.
We’ve all probably tried to start eating healthier in the past, only to crash and burn because we overdid it. If you try to change too much, too quickly, it’s very likely going to fail. Set up a system that’s going to motivate you personally. Some people like to be healthy all week and then allow themselves whatever they want on the weekend. Other people like to eat healthy until Wednesday, then take a break in the middle of the week for a day and then get back into the swing of things. By giving yourself that cheat period, you’ll feel like you’ve earned it. Plus, once you’re in the habit of eating better, the cheat food will make you feel worse and worse, pushing you to get back to your clean eating habits.
A common complaint with healthier, cleaner foods is that they just don’t taste as good as other foods. If your palate is accustomed to saltier, sweeter, and fattier foods, it will take some time to adjust to the whole grains and clean fibers. The best way of doing this is to start out mixing what you’re used to with what you’re aiming to start eating. For example, mix half your portion with regular pasta and the other half with whole grain noodles. This way you’re beginning to adjust your taste buds to the new flavors rather than forcing them into something they don’t want to do. Over time, slowly downgrade the amount of former foods and introduce more and more of the newer, healthier options.
Incorporating these five moves into your routine ought to start you on a path towards healthier living. There are also TONS of other options out there if you just google it. Understand that establishing new habits and ways of living is going to take time, but as with anything in life, the sooner you begin, the sooner you can reap the benefits!
Let me know about your habits or tricks in the comments or tag me on social media @parkeryorksmith!!