If you don’t already know, I’m obsessed with white sneakers. I grew up loving them and nothing has changed…well it used to be Air Force Ones. They’re one of the most versatile pieces during the summertime. They work with just about any look you can imagine so regardless of what you have going on this weekend, here are some ideas on how to dress…
If you’re going out on the town or on a date…
Sneakers and suits are still, for some stupid reason, widely debated. A lot of people think that suits are only meant to be worn with dress shoes. I’m here to tell you they’re wrong. White sneakers are a perfect way to style a suit in a more casual, weekend appropriate way. If you’re going out for your birthday or something slightly special, throw on a suit and some white sneaks and you’ll be turning tons of heads. I stepped things up an extra notch with the high-tops, but some simple low cut white sneaks will work great as well. Also, this is a perfect date night outfit because your date is going to love that you dressed up but still are comfortable enough to go dancing or somewhere fun after dinner.
If you’re going to a bar to watch the game…
Whether it’s the NBA playoffs (Go Cavs) or something else that you’re going out to watch with friends, a simple look of a lightweight jacket, jeans, and white sneakers is perfect! You’ll be extremely comfortable, it’s a versatile enough look to keep you fitting right in with almost any crowd, and it’s stylish enough to allow you to make statements if you want. The striped socks and beaded necklace were my ways of differentiating myself, but eliminating those will keep you from receiving any extra unwanted attention from haters.
If you’re just trying to be comfortable…
Now I understand that a lot of you probably aren’t going to opt for an oversized sweater and wide leg chinos, but if you take these items for what they are at their base (a sweater and chinos), you’ll be looking great! Throw on a simple white tee, a lightweight cardigan, some comfortable chino pants, and white sneakers and you’re dressed for whatever comes your way. It’s perfect for errands, family dinner on Sunday to celebrate the Moms (love you Mom!!), pretty much whatever you have going on.
Boom! 3 options that will have you covered for your entire weekend. You’re VERY welcome! haha I hope everyone has a great weekend and be sure to tell your Mom (or Mom-type person in your life) that you love them and appreciate everything they’ve done for you over the years!
Shop some of my favorite white sneakers below and grab yourself a new pair if you need some…